Stockholm Explorative Talks: Cyber Warfare


In this discussion, we will explore the different issues surrounding cyber warfare.

What do contemporary cyber operations entail and what will it become in the future? Who are the primary players? What are the implications of the virtual borderlines in between the paradigms of peace and war? How do states recognize breaches of sovereignty, and then determine their response in terms of the interventions and the use of force required? Why and how do states argue for a legal space governing this grey area? These questions along with many others will be examined with openness and curiosity at this interdisciplinary session.

Huvudtalare: Marika Ericsson, avdelningschef på Centrum för Operativ Juridik och Folkrätt vid Försvarshögskolan.

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Stockholm Explorative Talks arrangeras av Stockholms Akademiska Forum, en organisation och nätverk mellan 18 högskolor och Stockholms stad.

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Datum: 29 april 2021
Tid: 14.30—16.00
Plats: Online på Zoom
Kontakt: Marika Ericson , 08-553 42 761,