The journal portal BrowZine

You can access the electronic journals of the Anna Lindh library via the user friendly portal BrowZine which contains over 18 000 different publications.

BrowZine from the library web site

You reach the journal portal by clicking "BrowZine journal portal" in the menu "Borrow & Read" on the library web site.

My Bookshelf and My articles

There are functions in BrowZine that can be useful if you want to follow specific journals and not miss out on any issues and to be able to save articles for later reading, "My Bookshelf" and "My Articles", that can be reached through the menus of BrowZine.

To be able to use these functions you have to register as a BrowZine user and that is done in an easy manner through the menus for "My Bookshelf" or "My Articles".

BrowZine also gives you suggestions for journals with related substance or in the same subject area as your chosen journals in your "My Bookshelf".

Links in the search tool Primo

When you search in our search tool Primo and get a result list of articles in electronic journals in the library there will be direct links to the article and the journal via BrowZine. In the image below you can see links to the article in PDF format, "Download PDF, and to the issue in general, "View Issue Contents". The third link leads to the article outside of BrowZine.

Browzine-länkar i Primos resultatlista

For questions and input, contact the library.
