The latest publications by staff and researchers associated with the Centre for Societal Security.
- Multifaceted Conscription : A Comparative Study of Six European CountriesPart of Scandinavian Journal of Military Studies2024
- Test of brief scale designed to measure high-level managers' indirect leadershipPart of Management Research Review2024
- Views on an officer career : the relationship between personality, leadership expectations and perceived qualitiesPart of Current Issues in Personality Psychology2024
- Crisis management and forced collaboration : a case study during the coronavirus pandemicPart of International Journal of Emergency Management2023
- Dolda hot i cyberrymden : svensk förmågeutveckling över tidPart of Det svenska tillståndet : En antologi om brottsutvecklingen i Sverige2022
- Leadership, boundary spanners and team learning in crisis managementPart of International Journal of Emergency Management2022