Introduction day for new students
New as a student at the Swedish Defence University? Welcome to the introduction day on September 2nd, which is the first day of the autumn semester 2024.
Important information!
The Swedish Defence University is a protected site, so you need to keep the following in mind:
- Arrive early - there may be a queue at the entrance.
- Do not forget your ID and keep it handy to facilitate when you need to identify yourself. You will need to show ID and be checked against a list to gain entry.
- Leave large bags and bulky outerwear at home. We do not have a staffed cloakroom. Be prepared to be searched by our security guards.
More about the introduction day
The first day of the fall semester is September 2nd, and on this day, the Swedish Defence University invites new students to an orientation day at Drottning Kristinas väg 37. You will receive more information about the studies and meet teachers and fellow students.
We will also provide a light vegetarian lunch according to the schedule below. Towards the end of the day there will be a gathering at the Officers' Mess for all new national and international students. The Student Union also has a kick-off during the day.
In the schedule below, you can see the times that apply to you.
Schedule introduction day
(If you are on a smartphone, swipe to the right to see the entire table)
Time | Activity | VENUE |
08:00-17:00 | Distribution of access cards | At the entrance, Drottning Kristinas väg 37 |
10:00 | Registration for students at the international Master's programmes and free standing courses held in english | At the entrance, Drottning Kristinas väg 37 |
11.30 | Vice-Chancellor's introduction and panel discussions | Sverigesalen |
12:00-12:15 | Information from study guidance councellor and Anna Lindh Library | Sverigesalen |
12:15 | Lunch for students at the international Masters' War and Defence, Politics, Security and Crisis and Innovation, Defence and Security | Outside of Sverigesalen |
13:00-14:00 | Programme introduction for students at the Masters' programmes War and Defence and Politics, Security and Crisis | Sverigesalen |
13:00-14:00 | Programme introduction for students at the Masters' programme Innovation, Defence and Security | Leijonsköldska |
12:30-13:30 | Lunch for students at the international Masters programme International Operational Law and freestanding courser | Propellern |
13:30-14:30 | Programme introduction for students at the Masters' programme International Operational Law | Classroom 2000 |
15:00 | Gather and mingle for international students at the Officers' Mess with Vice-Chancellor and other representatives from the Swedish Defence University | Mariebergsrummet, Officers' Mess (the old house) |
16:00-21:00 | The Officers' Mess opens for all students | Officers' Mess, Drottning Kristinas väg 37 (the old house) |
At the Studentweb on the webpage "New student", we have also collected information that we hope will be useful to you during your first time as a student at the Swedish Defence University.