

Survey to applicants for master's studies

How did you learn about the Swedish Defence University? Please tick all applicable options.
How did you learn about the Swedish Defence University? Please tick all applicable options.

Once you learnt about the Swedish Defence University, where did you find more information about us and our study programmes? Please tick in all applicable options.
Once you learnt about the Swedish Defence University, where did you find more information about us and our study programmes? Please tick in all applicable options.

Please indicate how important below factors were in deciding to apply for a Master's Programme at the Swedish Defence University.
1=Not important at all. 5=Very important.
Associate a grade with each sub query
  1 2 3 4 5
The university's niche: war, security and crisis management.

The university's mix of military officers and civilians.

The professional/vocational nature of the Master's Programmes, tie-ing in to possible job opportunities after the education.

I am especially interested in educational features such as role playing, internship and (war) gaming.

The possibility to study in Sweden.

Future Ph.D. studies
1=Not important at all. 5=Very important.

When, approximately, did you decide to apply to the Swedish Defence University?
When, approximately, did you decide to apply to the Swedish Defence University?

Have you applied for master's programmes at other universities in Sweden?
Have you applied for master's programmes at other universities in Sweden?

Have you applied for master's programmes in other countries?
Have you applied for master's programmes in other countries?

I am
I am


In general, when you were searching for a Master's programme, what factors were important for you?
In general, when you were searching for a Master's programme, what factors were important for you?

Please tick in the thre most important factors.

We also have some questions about our website that we hope you would like to answer.
How many times did you visit our web site prior to your application?
How many times did you visit our web site prior to your application?

Please rank your view of below statements.
Associate a grade with each sub query
  1 2 3 4
The information caught my interest and I spent longer time at the web site than I intended.

It was easy to navigate the web site.

I found the information I needed.

The information was easy accessible in terms of language and style.
