

Lecture: General Shirreff on his book War with Russia

In collaboration with the Swedish Defence University, the Royal Swedish Academy of War Sciences invites to a lecture with the former Deputy Supreme Allied Commander Europe (SACEUR) for Nato, general Sir Richard Shirreff. The lecture evolves around his novel from 2017, War With Russia.

Richard Shirreff was bornd and raised in Kenya. After graduating from Oxford University, he joined the Brittish Army where he served for 37 years. Shirreff has led soldiers during operations and battles from plutoon level to division. His last position was as Deputy Supreme Allied Commander Europe (DSACEUR) for Nato. General Shireff has extensive experience from strategic leadership in an multinational milieu where political decisions meets military reality.

In 2017 he wrote the novel ”War with Russia”. The book became a bestseller and was published in, among other countries, USA, UK and Poland but also in Sweden.

Shirreff is very well-versed in the current situation regarding the war in Ukraine. . Shirreff is in Sweden to lecture at the Swedish Defence University.

The lecture is arranged by the Air War Science Division at the Royal Swedish Academy of War Sciences.

The Swedish Defence University's students and staff are welcome to the lecture but registration is required at the Royal Swedish Academy of War Sciences website.

More information about the event

Date: Mar 23, 2022
Time: 5:30 PM—7:00 PM
Location: Sverigesalen