When perfect is not good enough! A lecture on perfectionism
Do you place unreasonably high demands on your performance? Do you find it difficult to put an end to your studies because everything can be done a little better? Do you feel that your self-worth stands or falls with how well you perform?
Perfectionism involves an excessive pursuit of achieving high results and performing at the top, which has negative consequences for the quality of life and mental health. In life as a student, perfectionism can manifest itself, among other things, in difficulties in starting or completing work due to too high own requirements, inability to delegate and let go of control in connection with group work and difficulties in finding time for anything other than studies in everyday life. It often leads to stress, depression and anxiety.
In this lecture you will learn more about how perfectionism works and how you can challenge your perfectionist thoughts and behaviors. The seminar is held in english and is given on two occasions, 21 February and 16 March. Welcome!
Registration for a lecture on perfectionism on Stockholm University's website