

Panel talk: Gender equality and defence - leadership and research in times of uncertainty

Welcome to a conversation about the challenges that researchers in war, peace and security face in today's security landscape, as well as future research in gender, peace and security at the Swedish Defence University.

Five years ago, Professor Annick Wibben was appointed the Swedish Defence University's first Anna Lindh Professor of Gender, Peace and Security. For the International Women's Day, the research team in gender, peace and security at the Department of War Studies invites you to a lunch discussion with Vice-Chancellor Robert Egnell, Professor of Leadership and Command and Control, Maria Eriksson Baaz, Professor of War Studies and Professor Annick Wibben.

During the discussion, which is moderated by PhD student Elin Berg, the participants will reflect on the challenges that researchers interested in issues of war, peace and security face in today's security landscape, as well as future research in gender, peace and security at the Swedish Defence University. In addition to discussing their previous and current research, the speakers will also reflect on what gender equality, or a gender perspective, means to them in their respective leadership roles at the Swedish Defence University.

Register by 1 March

The panel discussion is open for students and staff at the Swedish Defence University.

We offer a lunch sandwich, please register below no later than March 1st.

You cannot register any longer. Registration closed on 1 March at 12.30.

More information about the event

Date: Mar 08, 2024
Time: 12:00 PM—1:00 PM
Location: Mässen

