
Studentkårens ordförande Iris Weström talade på avslutningsceremonin. Foto: Anders G Warne.

Student union president Iris Weström spoke at the closing ceremony. Photo: Anders G Warne.

End of Academic Year

On 31 May, the closing ceremony was held in the Sweden Hall for all civilian students, cadets and participants in the Joint Advanced Command and Staff Programme (JACS).

Vice-Chancellor Robert Egnell gave a speech as well as Niklas Karlén, Senior Lecturer in War Studies. Also speaking were the Student Union's President Iris Weström, pictured, and the Cadet Union's Vice President Erik Ekvall. The ceremony was hosted by Mathilda Karlsson. The ceremony was followed by mingling and livestreamed.

Avslutningscermonin med stråkkvartett från Kungliga Musikhögskolan. Rektor Robert Egnell talar. Foto: Anders G Warne.

Closing ceremony with string quartet from the Royal Academy of Music. Principal Robert Egnell speaks. Photo: Anders G Warne.

Mingel i foajén på Drottning Kristinas väg 37. Foto: Anders G Warne.

Mingling in the lobby at Drottning Kristinas väg 37. Photo: Anders G Warne.

Två kvinnliga studenter i sommarkläder.

The closing ceremony was rounded off with mingling and refreshments. Photo: Anders G Warne.

Niklas Karlén med studenter.

Niklas Karlén, university lecturer in war science with students. Photo: Anders G Warne.

Erik Ekvall, kadettkårens vice ordförande.

Erik Ekvall, vice chairman of the cadet union. Photo: Anders G Warne.

Mingel i foajén. Foto: Anders G Warne.

Mingle in the lobby. Photo: Anders G Warne.

Mera mingel.

More mingling.

Ännu mera mingel.

More mingling.

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