

Course syllabus Critical Security Studies and Technology

Swedish name: Kritiska säkerhetsstudier och teknologi

Course code:
Valid from semester:
Autumn Term 2022
Education cycle:
Second cycle
7.5 credits
Grading scale:
Three-grade scale
Main field of study:
Systems Science for Defence and Security
Department of Systems Science for Defence and Security
Systems Science for Defence and Security
Language of instruction:
The teaching is conducted in English.
Decided by:
Forsknings- och utbildningsnämndens kursplaneutskott (KUS)
Decision date:

Entry requirements

Passed courses of at least 180 credits that include

  • at least 7,5 credits in the field of Defence, Crisis management and Security,
  • written thesis project including at least 15 credits,

and knowledge corresponding to English 6 (English B).

Course content and structure

The aim of this course is to give an introduction to foundations, current issues and different approaches of Critical Security Studies CSS that are applicable in the field of technology and defense. The course is focused on socio-technical perspectives where the interaction of humans and technology is intertwined with a variety of perspectives, values and elements that together forms its own unique ontology. The course also covers the connection between technology and security where technical objects and defense systems are perceived both as that which give us security and as a referent object of threat.

The course is divided into five themes:

1. Introduction and general orientation to critical theory and its connection to safety and technology.
2. What is "Security"? In this theme, the instrumental view of security is contrasted with the emancipatory view. In addition, "Securitization theory" is introduced - in which security is studied as socially constructied.
3. Feminist and postcolonial perspectives. This theme addresses feminist and postcolonial perspectives on security. In addition, an intersectional perspective on security is introduced, as well as a the power dimension in the form of dominance and oppression.
4. Surveillance technology: Panopticon and surveillance. This theme addresses surveillance and the role of surveillance technology in security. In addition, the concept of panopticon is introduced.
5. Current security issues including sustainable development. This theme deals with current security issues and the security issues' relationship to sustainable development.

Learning activities are carried out in the form of lectures, guest lectures from distinguished researchers within the research field and discussion seminars combined with independent literature studies. Together, lectures and seminars provide students with a foundation for the final written assignment which is carried out in an essay form.

Type of Instruction
  • Lectures
  • Seminars
  • Independent Study


After completed course the student should be able to:

Competence and skills

  • critically review and discuss contemporary security issues from a critical security perspective,
  • independently analyze scientific and empirical issues related to technology and security,
  • gain a broad understanding of how the connection between technology and security affects the development of society.

Judgement and approach

  • critically reflect on security as a social construction.

Examination formats

At the end of the course, an individual essay is written about a current problem in a security technology context that is analyzed against the background of critical theory.

The examiner may decide that supplementary work is required in order for a pass grade to be achieved. Examination papers submitted late will not be graded, unless there are special reasons, which have been approved by the examiner.

Supplementary assignments are to be submitted no later than five working days after the notification of results and the supplementary assignment for the examination in question, unlessthere are special reasons, which have been approved by the examiner.

Grading takes place through a three-grade grading scale: Fail (F), Pass (P) and Pass with Distinction (PwD).

Grading criteria are reported at the latest at the start of the course.

Restrictions in Number of Examinations
The number of examinations is not limited.

Transitional provisions

When the course is no longer given or when the course content has changed substantially, the student has the right to be examined once per semester during a three-term period in accordance with this syllabus.

Other regulations

The course cannot be included in a degree with another course whose content fully or partially corresponds to the content of this course.

If a student has a decision from the Swedish Defence University on special educational support due to a disability, the examiner may decide on alternative forms of examination for the student.

On the completion of the course, an evaluation will be conducted under the auspices of the course director, which will form the basis for any changes to the course.

This is an edited version of the syllabus, created to transfer the original to the education database Ladok education planning. For originals, refer to the archive.