Chief of Navy, Rear Admiral Ewa Skoog Haslum. Photo: Anders G Warne

Northern Initiative 11-13 May 2022: Future Military Leaders

What are the timeless and new future demands of a military
leader? Future Military Leaders is a forum for defence universities and institutions where military leaders can meet and learn from each other by sharing ideas and experiences as well as tapping into the latest research, to foster possible solutions to new challenges.

The first Northern Initiative meeting was held 11-13 May 2022 in Stockholm, Sweden. Next meeting is planned for Helsinki in 2023, hosted by the Finnish national Defence University.

Northern Initiative 2022: Future Military Leaders

Hand-over by Swedish Defence University Deputy Vice-Chancellor, BG Fredrik Ståhlberg (to the right) to Finland National Defence University, Rector, BG Mika Kallioma

Photo: Anders G Warne

Photo: Anders G Warne

Photo: Anders G Warne

Photo: Anders G Warne

Photo: Anders G Warne

Photo: Anders G Warne

Photo: Anders G Warne

Photo: Anders G Warne

Photo: Anders G Warne

Photo: Anders G Warne
