Centre for International and Operational Law

The Centre conducts research in the domains of international and domestic legal aspects of military, crisis and emergency management operations. The Centre is also responsible for the legal components in all courses and programmes run by, or in conjunction with, the Swedish Defence University.

The Centre for International and Operational Law (CIOL) at the Swedish Defence University (SEDU) studies international and domestic legal aspects of military and civilian operations in armed conflicts and other emergency and crisis contexts. CIOL is also responsible for the education in this field within the various programmes of the SEDU.

The Centre for International and Operational Law focuses its research and teaching on the laws regulating the use of force (ius ad bellum), the law of armed conflict (ius in bello), the law of peace operations, human rights in armed conflict, peace operations and other crisis situations, and the law of international responsibility in military operations. In addition, we conduct research with a focus on the areas of domestic crisis management and total defence legislation.

The Head of Centre for International and Operational Law is Marika Ericson.


Marika Ericson

Head of Department, Senior Lecturer

Marika.Ericson@fhs.se +46 8-55342761