Climate, Crisis and Security Seminar

From energy and food supply to global trade and natural hazards, the intersection between global warming and security has become a long-standing rallying cry on the world stage.

Many now recognize the numerous and profound consequences of human activity on the planet. Scholars, artists and authors have been instrumental in raising awareness while also prescribing how we ought to live and manage environmental crises. As we look toward the next five to ten years, this seminar invites leading experts to comment on the state of the art and identify central points of concern from within their discipline.

Participation requries registration: to registration.

The seminar will also be available live online. Joing here:

More information about the event

Date: Dec 06, 2022
Time: 1:00 PM—5:00 PM
Location: Sverigesalen, Swedish Defence University, Drottning Kristinas väg 37, Stockholm


Simon Hollis

Associate Professor, Senior Lecturer, Director of studies +46 8-55342593