PhD Workshop: Researching the Thing


The Swedish Defence University and Stockholm University are organizing a collaborative PHD workshop in Stockholm, Sweden, on the 10th of April 2025. The event will bring together PhD students and two experts to explore methods for studying the things and their connection to war and conflict.

The workshop will be conducted by:

Liliana Duica-Amaya
Adjunct Professor - Center for Latin American Studies
Georgetown University
Washington, DC


Andrew Jones
Department of Archaeology and Classical Studies
Stockholm University

As part of this joint collaboration, a series of lectures will be held at Stockholm University, completely free of charge and open to all, with no need to apply or register. However, a selection process will be implemented for the PhD workshop.

  • April 9th: Stockholm University will host open afternoon sessions featuring lectures and panel discussions on the Materialities of War. This interdisciplinary event, free of charge and open to all, will gather leading scholars from archaeology, anthropology, ethnology, war studies, and political science to examine the social relationships between material objects and war. More information here.

  • April 10th: A full-day PhD workshop will take place at the Swedish Defence University. This workshop, also free of charge, will focus on methodological approaches to studying material culture, objects, and the agency of materiality in the context of war and conflict.

How can we understand war and conflicts through things?

The Swedish Defence University (FHS) and Stockholm University (SU) invite PhD students to participate in a free-of-charge, one-day methodology workshop exploring different methodological approaches to study material culture, objects, and the agency of materiality and its implications for research on war and conflicts. This workshop is designed to create an interdisciplinary platform for discussing innovative methods and fostering collaboration among scholars engaged with material-focused studies in various fields. These fields include, but are not limited to, War Studies, Military History, Archaeology, Anthropology, and Political Science.

Workshop goals

  • Equip PhD students with practical insights into applying new materialist methodologies to research topics relating to war and conflicts.
  • Provide a forum for presenting and refining ongoing research projects.
  • Foster interdisciplinary collaboration by connecting PhD students across disciplines.

Workshop programme, 10 April 2025

09:30 – Registration opens

10:00–12:00 – PhD project roundtable presentations

  • Each participant will have 10 minutes to present their research (slides are optional).
  • Presentations will focus on work-in-progress projects (no Q&A session during this segment).

12:00–13:00 – Lunch at the mess

13:00–15:30 – Methodological approaches workshop

  • Andrew Jones, Professor at the Department of Archaeology and Classical Studies, Stockholm University.
  • International guests (TBA).

Workshop focus:

  • Exploring how new materialist approaches can be applied across disciplines.
  • Sharing theories and interdisciplinary methods to advance research within and beyond one’s primary discipline.
  • Active discussion and feedback on methodological choices in participants' research.

The session aims to create a collaborative environment where participants can engage in dynamic discussions, seek feedback, and explore shared research interests.

16:00 – Networking drinks at the mess

Participant profile

This workshop welcomes PhD students from all disciplines who are engaged in research related to material cultures, objects, and the agency of materiality, whether they are in the early or advanced stages of their studies. Participants are expected to actively contribute by presenting their methodological approaches and exploring how their epistemologies connect to the study of materials.

There are 10 spots available and we are pleased to provide fika (coffee/snacks) and lunch during the event. However, please note that we cannot offer financial assistance for travel or accommodation.

Submission details

Abstract requirements:

  • Length: maximum 300 words
  • Include: title, keywords, name, institution, and contact information.
  • Focus: methodologies relating to your research project
  • Submission format: Please submit your abstract in PDF format.

As part of your application, please also discuss why you are interested in attending the event and what you hope to gain from the experience.

Deadline for submission: 28 February 2025.
Notification of acceptance: Mid-March 2025.

Main point of contact

Teemu Vaarakallio, Doctoral student - Department of Political Science, FHS

Workshop organised by

  • July Decarpentrie, Doctoral student, Department of War Studies, FHS
  • Henrique Garbino, Doctoral student, Department of War Studies, FHS
  • Teemu Vaarakallio, Doctoral student, Department of Political Science, FHS
  • Rolf Warming, Doctoral student, Department of Archaeology and Classical Studies, SU & Visiting fellow, Department of War Studies, FHS.

More information about the event

Date: Apr 10, 2025
Time: 9:30 AM—7:00 PM
Location: Swedish Defence University, Drottning Kristinas väg 34, Stockholm, Sweden