News published on the website of the Swedish Defence University.
Decision by the Swedish Higher Education Authority paves the way for awarding postgraduate degrees30 Oct 2017In a report to the government, the Swedish Higher Education Authority (UKÄ) recommends that the Swedish Defence University (SEDU) be granted degree-awarding pow...
The Swedish Defence University host for the 2019 Olof Palme Visiting Professorship21 Sep 2017The Swedish Defence University has been appointed by the Swedish Research Council to host the Olof Palme Visiting Professorship in 2019
Swedish Foreign Fighters in Syria and Iraq14 Jun 2017In a ground-breaking study, Linus Gustafsson and Dr. Magnus Ranstorp are exploring the phenomenon of Swedish foreign fighters in Syria and Iraq by analysing uni...
Creation of Anna Lindh Professorship and new research program on women, peace and security09 Apr 2017On April 9, Sweden's Foreign Minister Margot Wallström presented a new research initiative in the area of women, peace and security and the UN Security Council...
How the financing of terrorist activities can be prevented09 Mar 2017The Center for Asymmetric Threats and Terrorism Studies (CATS) at the Swedish Defence University has published a report on the financial activities linked to pe...