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Magnus Ranstorp receives the award The golden magnifying glass from Kristina Alexandersson at the Swedish Internet Foundation. Ranstorp is awarded together with Linda Ahlerup who could not attend the event.

Linda Ahlerup and Magnus Ranstorp receive award for report on influence campaign

In connection with Source Criticism Day on March 13, the Swedish Internet Foundation and the Swedish Source Criticism Bureau awarded the prize "The Golden Magnifying Glass". This year, the Public Prize goes to Linda Ahlerup and Magnus Ranstorp for their report on the origin and development of the so called LVU campaign.

Linda Ahlerup is an analyst at the Centre for Societal Security (CTSS) at the Swedish Defence University, where Magnus Ranstorp is a research leader. They receive the award for the report on the an influence campaign claiming that the Swedish social services apprehend muslim children without just cause. The report was published in 2023 and highlights the campaign's emergence and development – both in Sweden and internationally.

The jury's motivation, the Public Award – Linda Ahlerup and Magnus Ranstorp

In the report The LVU Campaign: Disinformation, conspiracy theories and connections between the domestic and the international in relation to information influence from non-state actors, the authors show in an outstanding and meticulous way how it happened when one of the largest influence campaigns in modern times hit Sweden.

The Golden Magnifying Glass Award has been awarded since 2017 to individuals, initiatives or organisations that have made outstanding contributions to critical thinking online.

"The Swedish Internet Foundation wants to contribute to more knowledgeable and aware internet users and it therefore feels extra important to be able to pay attention to those who have made efforts to increase people's ability to think critically about sources," says Carl Piva, CEO, The Swedish Internet Foundation.

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Magnus Ranstorp

Research Director, Associate Professor

Magnus.Ranstorp@fhs.se +46 8-55342787
Kunde inte hitta någon användare med e-postadressen linda.ahlerup@fhs.se .