

The military profession: Ethics, morals and values

The purpose of the project is to contribute with in-depth knowledge of ethics, morals, and values in a Swedish military context, with a special focus on ethics training of officers at different command levels.

Military ethics for officers

The project consists of two sub-projects with the aim to produce two anthologies on military ethics. In the first sub-project a new and extended version of the anthology “Vägar till militär etik” will be delivered, and the second sub-project will put together new teaching material in military ethics for advanced levels in the form of an anthology.

Senior lecturer Magna Robertsson is the editor of both books. Major David Bergman, dr., and military teacher, is co-editing “Vägar till militär etik” and Lieutenant Colonel Torbjörn Engelkes, doctoral student, is co-editing the second anthology.

Responsible Department

Department of Leadership and Command & Control


The Swedish Armed Forces


The Swedish Armed Forces



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Published 2022-05-13 Updated 2024-05-20