The Strategic Leadership Programme for Ukraine Project (SLP for Ukraine Project)
The Strategic Leadership Programme for Ukraine Project (SLP for Ukraine Project) is a three year educational project within the framework of the Swedish Defence University's work in the Partnership for Peace Consortium, NATO. The project runs from 2023 to 2025 through an agreement between the Swedish Defence University and the National Defence University of Ukraine.
The SLP for Ukraine project will, among other things, carry out a Train the Trainer and a Strategic Leadership Course in two rounds. The Strategic Leadership Course is a 17-week civilian-military course for decision-making under stressful conditions with a particular focus on war and post-conflict contexts, that also includes a 10-day exercise. Participants for the Strategic Leadership Course comes from the defence and security sector in Ukraine and some of those who work on the front lines and newly liberated areas, ministries and authorities.

Within the framework of the Partnership for Peace Consortium, NATO
The project is conducted within the framework of SEDU's work in the Partnership for Peace Consortium, NATO and has several strategic partners who actively contribute with funding and expert knowledge, content and research practice.