

Kursplan Statsvetenskap, inriktning krishantering och säkerhet - påbyggnadskurs

Engelskt namn: Political Science, Specialization in Crisis Management and Security - Advanced Course

Gäller från termin:
VT 2022
30.0 hp
Betygs­skala för helkurs:
Tregradig skala
Statsvetenskap med inriktning mot krishantering och säkerhet
Institutionen för statsvetenskap och juridik
Undervisningen bedrivs på svenska.
Fastställande instans:
Forsknings- och utbildningsnämndens kursplaneutskott (KUS)


Statsvetenskap - fortsättningskurs, eller motsvarande.

Kursens huvudsakliga innehåll och upplägg

Kursen ger en fördjupning i statsvetenskap med inriktning mot krishantering och säkerhet och består av tre delkurser.

Forskningsdesign och metod
Research Design and Methodology

Omfattning 7.5 Högskolepoäng

Delkursen består av metodmoment som förbereder studenten på den avslutande uppgiften: att skriva en uppsats. Delkursen är inriktad på centrala moment i forskningsprocessen. Uppmärksamhet riktas på designfrågor där förhållningssätt till problemställning, teoriutveckling, urval, analystekniker, samt val av fall diskuteras. Kursen introducerar också översiktligt kvantitativa analystekniker med fokus på statsvetenskapliga tillämpningar och därtill kvalitativa analystekniker. Varje moment rymmer seminarieövningar som syftar till att öka förmågan att formulera forskningsproblem, att förhålla sig till statsvetenskaplig teori, samt applicera olika analystekniker. Undervisningen sker i form av föreläsningar och obligatoriska seminarier där studenten förväntas bidra till den gemensamma inlärningen genom aktivt deltagande och inlägg i diskussioner.

Efter avslutad delkurs ska studenten kunna:

  • urskilja och problematisera forskningsprocessens moment och avvägningar samt kritiskt värdera fördelar och nackdelar med olika metodologiska angreppssätt
  • identifiera olika sorters frågeställningar, däribland beskrivande och förklarande, samt diskutera problematiken med att belägga orsakssamband
  • redogöra för viktiga metodologiska avvägningar vid planering och genomförande av enklare empiriska undersökningar
  • kritiskt värdera resultat från kvalitativa och kvantitativa vetenskapliga undersökningar; bland annat utifrån god forskningssed

Tematisk ämnesfördjupning
Thematic specialization

Omfattning: 7.5 Högskolepoäng

Delkursen består av ett antal tematiska ämnesfördjupningar inom huvudområdet. Varje ämnesfördjupning utformas av en disputerad lärare som bestämmer innehåll och kurslitteratur på sin ämnesfördjupning. Delkursen avser att, tillsammans med uppsatsarbetet, bidra till att förmedla de förmågor som i utbildningsplanen för kandidatprogrammet vid Försvarshögskolan benämns ”fördjupade ämneskunskaper”. Vidare syftar den till att uppnå en hög grad av forskningsanknytning till och progression inom statsvetenskap med inriktning krishantering och säkerhet. För att budgetmässigt kunna inrymma ett antal ämnesfördjupningar antar delkursen formen av en läskurs med lärarledd undervisning begränsad till minst två och högst tre seminarier, inklusive ett introduktionsseminarium och ett avslutande examinationsseminarium. Vid examinationsseminariet ska studenten muntligt presentera en individuell skriftlig uppgift. På vissa ämnesfördjupningar kan undervisningen bedrivas på engelska, vilket i så fall ska framgå när studenten gör sitt val.

Efter avslutad delkurs ska studenten kunna:

  • uppvisa fördjupade kunskaper i statsvetenskap med inriktning krishantering och säkerhet
  • redogöra för nya teoretiska begrepp inom ämnesinriktningen eller begrepp som använts tidigare under utbildningen men som inom ramen för denna delkurs studerats på en mer avancerad nivå
  • kritiskt granska den konstitutiva inverkan teorier om krishantering och säkerhet kan ha på vår allmänna förståelse av politik och det politiska
  • förstå de bredare samhällsvetenskapliga och idéhistoriska kontexter ur vilka teorier om krishantering och säkerhet vuxit fram


Omfattning: 15.0 Högskolepoäng

Delkursen består av författande av uppsats under handledning, försvar av uppsats samt opposition på annan students uppsats. Studenten uppmuntras att i största möjliga mån välja uppsatsämne inom ramen för den tematiska ämnesfördjupning som studerats på föregående delkurs. På så vis har grunden för uppsatsarbetet redan lagts när delkursen påbörjas och studenten står väl förberedd att slutföra uppsatsen i tid. Vidare syftar kopplingen mellan ämnesfördjupning och uppsatskurs till att uppnå en hög grad av forskningsanknytning i uppsatsen, liksom en stor variation av uppsatsämnen som skrivs inom statsvetenskap med inriktning krishantering och säkerhet. Undervisningen sker genom en blandning av kollektiv handledning i smågrupper och individuell handledning. En likvärdig handledning oberoende vilken handledare som tilldelats ska erbjudas alla studenter. Delkursen innehåller även en gemensam kursintroduktion.

Efter avslutad kurs ska studenten kunna:

  • självständigt författa en uppsats med ett för huvudområdet relevant statsvetenskapligt forskningsproblem och utifrån formulerade forskningsfrågor identifiera ett material, genomföra en empirisk undersökning med metodologisk medvetenhet, relevant forsknings- och teorianknytning, självständig analys, ett tydligt samband mellan frågeställning (ar) och slutsatser
  • identifiera behov av ytterligare kunskap i framtida forskning
  • reflektera över eventuella forskningsetiska aspekter i relation till uppsatsen
  • muntligt försvara sin egen uppsats samt som opponent kritisera och värdera andra studenters självständiga arbeten på ett konstruktivt sätt
  • tillämpa regler för god forskningssed inklusive korrekt språk och formalia

Undervisningen sker i form av föreläsningar och obligatoriska seminarier där studenten förväntas bidra till den gemensamma inlärningen genom aktivt deltagande och inlägg i diskussioner.


Efter att ha genomgått kursen förväntas studenten kunna:

Hänvisning till respektive delkurs.


Forskningsdesign och metod
Omfattning: 7.5 Högskolepoäng

Betygsskala: Underkänd, Godkänd, Väl godkänd

Examination sker genom tre individuella skriftliga hemtentamina. Aktivt deltagande i seminarier är obligatoriskt.

Tematisk ämnesfördjupning 
Omfattning: 7.5 Högskolepoäng

Betygsskala: Underkänd, Godkänd, Väl godkänd

Examination sker genom inlämning av en individuell författad essä som även ska presenteras muntligt vid ett avslutande seminarium.

Uppsats statsvetenskap inriktning krishantering och säkerhet
Omfattning: 15.0 Högskolepoäng

Betygsskala: Underkänd, Godkänd, Väl godkänd

Examination sker genom bedömning av uppsats, försvar av uppsats vid ventileringsseminarium samt opposition på annan uppsats. Aktivt deltagande under en hel schemalagd seminariedag är obligatoriskt.

Nedan specificeras övergripande riktlinjer för hela kursen (andra regler gäller för omexamination):

  • Det är ett kurskrav att studenten inför de obligatoriska momenten deltar i gruppförberedelser och förbereder sig enligt instruktioner, t.ex. genom att förbereda ett föredrag.
  • Det är ett kurskrav att studenten har fullgjort kravet på aktivt deltagande som innebär att studenten deltar i diskussionerna och muntligt relaterar till aktuellt tema.
  • Fullgörande av samtliga obligatoriska moment är en förutsättning för att studenten ska kunna godkännas på delkursen och uppnå dess lärandemål.
  • Student som uteblir från mer än ett obligatoriskt moment kan ej bli godkänd på delkursen. Ett (1) frånvarotillfälle ska ersättas av en (skriftlig eller muntlig) uppgift. Försvar av egen uppsats samt opposition på annans uppsats kan dock ej ersättas. Inte heller det s.k. ¾-seminariet kan ersättas. Annan kompensationsuppgift kan förekomma, enligt särskilda anvisningar från examinator.
  • Student som uteblir från fler än ett (1) obligatoriskt moment får närvara vid de missade obligatoriska momenten vid nästa kurstillfälle.
  • Examinator kan besluta om att en examinationsuppgift (skriftlig seminarieuppgift, hemtentamen eller uppsats) som ej uppnår betyget godkänt i vissa fall kan kompletteras med muntlig eller skriftlig uppgift. Sådan uppgift ska inlämnas eller presenteras inom tre arbetsdagar räknat från det att examinatorn förmedlar uppgift.
  • Student har, om särskilda skäl inte föreligger, rätt till handledning på uppsatskursen endast första gången student är registrerad på kursen. Därefter ges handledning endast i mån av resurser.
  • Om en student har ett beslut från Försvarshögskolan om särskilt pedagogiskt stöd på grund av funktionsnedsättning, får examinator besluta om alternativa examinationsformer för studenten.

Betygen Väl godkänd (VG), Godkänd (G) och Underkänd (U) ges. Betygskriterier redovisas senast vid kursstart.

För betyget Väl godkänd på hela kursen krävs detta betyg på minst 22,5 hp.

Antal examinationstillfällen
Under delkurserna 1 och 2 erbjuds ett ordinarie examinationstillfälle och ett omexaminationstillfälle, därefter får studenten kontakta kursansvarig för överenskommelse om ytterligare examinationstillfälle. Vad gäller delkurs 3 erbjuds ett examinationstillfälle i anslutning till kursen. Därefter finns möjlighet att examineras på uppsamlingstillfällen samt nästkommande kursers examinationstillfällen. Ingen begränsning av det totala antalet omexaminationstillfällen görs


När kursen inte längre ges eller när kursinnehållet väsentligen ändrats har studenten rätt att en gång per termin under en treterminsperiod examineras enligt denna kursplan.

Övriga föreskrifter

Kursen kan inte ingå i en examen med annan kurs vars innehåll helt eller delvis överensstämmer med innehållet i denna kurs.

Kursen ges som fristående kurs och som del av Försvarshögskolans kandidatprogram.

Försvarshögskolan förbehåller sig rätten att ställa in valbara delkurser om antalet studenter som valt dem understiger 10.

  • Kursvärdering genomförs efter avslutad kurs och ligger till grund för eventuella förändringar av kursen.
  • Om en student har ett beslut från Försvarshögskolan om särskilt pedagogiskt stöd på grund av funktionsnedsättning, får examinator besluta om alternativa examinationsformer för studenten.

Detta är en bearbetad version av kursplanen, skapad för att föra över originalet till utbildningsdatabasen Ladok utbildningsplanering. För original hänvisas till arkivet.
Litteraturlista fastställande datum: 2023-06-01
Dk 1 Forskningsdesign och metod
Eliasson, Annika (2018) Kvantitativ metod från början. Lund: Studentlitteratur. (168s)

Lamont Christopher and Boduszynski (2020) Research Methods in Politics and International Relations. London: Sage (195s).

Teorell, J. och Svensson, T. (2007) Att fråga och att svara, Stockholm:Liber. (296)

Albrecht, Frederike (2017) "Government Accountability and National Disasters: The Impact of Natural Hazard Events on Political Trust and Satisfaction with Government in Europe", Risk, Hazards, Crises in Public Policy, Vol.8, No.4, pp. 381-410. (frivillig - exempelstudie)

Bacon, E. (2012) "Public Political Narratives: Developing a Neglected Source through the Exploratory Case of Russia in the Putin-Medvedev Era", Political Studies, Vol.60, pp.768-786. (18s) (frivillig - exempelstudie)

Bennett, Andrew (2010). "Case study methods: Design, use and comparative advantages", pp. 19-48. in Nahmias-Walinsky, Yael (2010) Models, Numbers and Cases: Methods for Studying International Relations, Ann Arbor: Michigan University Press.

Bennett, A (2010) “Process Tracing and Causal Inference,” i Rethinking Social Inquiry: Diverse Tools, Shared Standards, andra utgåvan Henry E. Brady and David Collier (red), s. 207–19. Lanham: Rowman and Little?eld.

Bergström, Göran. and Boréus, Kristina. (2017) ”Analyzing Text and Discourse in the Social Sciences” i Analyzing Text and Discourse: Eight Approaches for the Social Sciences. London:Sage. (15 s)

Colley, Thomas and Moore, Martin (2020) “The Challenges of Studyin 4chan and the Alt-Right: ´Come on in the water’s fine´”, September 20, New Media and Society, DOI: doi.org/10.1177/1461444820948803

Entman, Robert (1993) ”Toward Clarification of a Fractured Paradigm”, Journal of Communication, Vol.43, No.4, pp.51-58 (8s)

Esser, F. and Vlieghenthart, R. (2017) "Comparative Research Methods" in Matthes, J. (Ed.) The International Encyclopedia of Communication Research Methods, New York: John Wiley and Sons, pp.248-269. (21s)

Gustafsson, K., & Hagström, L. (2017). What is the point? Teaching graduate students how to construct political science research puzzles. European Political Science, 17:634–648

Hardy, Cynthia, Harley, Bill, and Nelson Phillips (2004) “Discourse Analysis and Content Analysis: Two Solitudes? Qualitative Methods, Vol 2, No.1, ss. 19-22.

Hellman, M. and Wagnsson, C. (2017) "How can European states respond to Russian information warfare? An analytical framework" European Security, Vol.26, No.2, pp.153-170. (17s) (frivillig, exempelstudie)

Naerland, T. U (2019) "From pleasure to politics: Five functions of watching TV-series for public connection", European Journal of Communication, pp.1-15 DOI:101177/02673231 19894481. (15s) (frivillig, exempelstudie)

Peterson, Lauri (2021) "Silver Lining to Extreme Events? Democracy and Climate Change Mitigation", Global Environmental Politics, Vol.21, No.1, pp. 23-53. (frivillig, exempelstudie)

Rawnsley, G. D. (2015) "To Know Us is to Love Us: Public Diplomacy and International Broadcasting in Contemporary Russia and China", Politics, Vol.35, No.3-4, pp. 273-286. (13s) (frivillig, exempelstudie)

Strömbäck, J. and Dimitrova, D. J. (2011) "Mediatization and Media Interventionism: A Comparative Analysis of Sweden and the United States", International Journal of Press/Politics, Vol.16, No.1, pp. 30-49. (frivillig, exempelstudie-används i föreläsning)

T'Hart,P. Tindall, K. and C. Brown (2009) "Crisis Leadership of the Bush Presidency: Advisory Capacity and Presidential Performance in the Acute Stages of the 9/11 and Katrina Crisis", Presidential Studies Quarterly, Vol.39, No.3, pp.473-493. (frivillig, exempelstudie; används i föreläsning)

Vetenskapsrådet (2017) God Forskningssed (i urval)

Dk 2 Tematisk ämnesfördjupning
TÄ 1 Katastrofhantering och riskreducering
Obligatorisk litteratur
Kelman, I. (2020) Disaster by Choice. How our actions turn natural hazards into catastrophes. Oxford University Press. 192 pp.

Albrecht, F., C. F. Parker (2019). Healing the Ozone Layer: The Montreal Protocol and the Lessons and Limits of a Global Governance Success Story, In: Compton, Mallory and Paul ‘t Hart (eds) Great Policy Successes. Oxford University Press. 304-322.

Alexander, D.E. (2013) Resilience and disaster risk reduction: an etymological journey, Nat. Hazards Earth Syst. Sci., 13, 2707-2716.

Collins, A.E., B. Manyena, J. Jayawickrama, S. Jones (2015): Chapter 1 – Introduction: Hazards, Risks and Disasters in Society. Collins, A.E. et al. (eds) Hazards, Risks and Disasters in Society, Academic Press, 1-15.

Collins, A.E. (2018) Advancing the Disaster and Development Paradigm. International Journal of Disaster Risk Science, 9, 486-495.

Comfort, L., B. Wisner, S. Cutter, R. Pulwarty, K. Hewit, A. Oliver-Smith, J. Wiener, M. Fordham, W. Peacock, F. Krimgold (1999) Reframing disaster policy: the global evolution of vulnerable communities. Environmental Hazards, 1, 39-44.

Di Baldassarre, G. et al. (2018) An Integrative Research Framework to Unravel the Interplay of Natural Hazards and Vulnerabilities. Earth’s Future, 6(3), 305-310.

Greer, S.L., King, E.L., E. Massard da Fonseca, A. Peralta-Santos (2020) The comparative politics of COVID-19: The need to understand government responses. Global Public Health, 15(9), 1413-1416.

Jones, S., B. Manyena, S. Walsh (2015) Chapter 4 – Disaster Risk Governance: Evolution and Influences. In: Collins et al. (eds) Hazards, Risks and Disasters in Society, Academic Press, 45-61.

Kelman, I. (2017) Linking disaster risk reduction, climate change, and the sustainable development goals. Disaster Prevention and Management, 26(3), 254-258.

Kuipers, S., N. Welsh (2017) Taxonomy of the Crisis and Disaster Literature: Themes and Types in 34 Years of Research. Risk, Hazards & Crisis in Public Policy, 8(4), 272-283.

Nohrstedt, D., C. Parker, N. von Uexkull, J. Mård, L. Nyberg, K. Petrova, F. Albrecht, M. Götaman, J. Hileman, G. Messori, G. Di Baldassarre (2021) Disaster risk reduction and the limits of truisms: improving the knowledge and practice interface. Working paper, Centre for Natural Hazards and Disaster Science (CNDS).

O’Keefe, P., G. O’Brien, J. Jayawickrama (2015) Chapter 3 – Disastrous Disasters: A Polemic on Capitalism, Climate Change, and Humanitarianism. In: Collins et al. (eds) Hazards, Risks and Disasters in Society, Academic Press, 33-44.

Schipper, L., M. Pelling (2006) Disaster risk, climate change and international development: scope for, and challenges to, integration. Disasters, 30(1), 19-38.

Sudmeier-Rieux, K., U. Nehren, S. Sandholz, N. Doswald (2019) Disasters and Ecosystems. Resilience in a Changing Climate. Source Book. Geneva: UNEP and Cologne: TH Köln – University of Applied Sciences. Kapitel 2 & Kapitel 3, 14-45.

Tierney, K. (2012) Disaster Governance: Social, Political and Economic Dimensions. Annual Review of Environment and Resources, 37, 341-363.

Wisner, B. & H.R. Luce (1993) Disaster Vulnerability: Scale, Power and Daily Life. GeoJournal, 30(2), 127-140.

Valbar litteratur
Anderson, S.E., R.R. Bart, M.C. Kennedy, A.J. MacDonald, M.A. Moritz, A.J. Plantinga, C.L. Tague, M. Wibbenmeyer (2018) The dangers of disaster-driven responses to climate change. Nature Climate Change, 8, 651-653.

Arora-Johnson, S. (2011) Virtue and Vulnerability: Discourses on Women, Gender and Climate Change. Global Environmental Change, 21, 744-751.

Betron, M., A. Gottert, J. Pulerwitz, D. Shattuck, N. Stevanovic-Fenn (2020) Men and COVID-19: Adding a gender lens. Global Public Health, 15(7), 1090-1092.

Bloem, J. R., & C. Salemi (2021) COVID-19 and conflict. World Development, 140, 105294.

Bondesson, S. (2019) Why gender does not stick: exploring conceptual logics in global disaster risk reduction policy. In Kinnvall, C. & H. Rydström (eds) (2019) Climate Hazards, Disasters, and Gender Ramifications. Routledge, 48-66.

Bradshaw, S. & Fordham, M. (2015) Chapter 14 - Double Disaster: Disaster through a Gender Lens. In: Collins et al. (eds) Hazards, Risks and Disasters in Society. 233-251.

Cooke, S. J. et al. (2021) A global perspective on the influence of the COVID-19 pandemic on freshwater fish biodiversity. Biological Conservation, 253, 108932.

Everard, M., P. Johnston, D. Santillo, C. Staddon (2020), The role of ecosystems in mitigation and management of Covid-19 and other zoonoses, Environmental Science & Policy, 111, 7-17.

Faivre, N., A. Sgobbi, S. Happaerts, J. Raynal, L. Schmidt (2018) Translating the Sendai Framework into action: The EU approach to ecosystem-based disaster risk reduction. International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, 32, 4-10.

Fothergill, A., E.G. Maestas, & J.D. Darlington (1999) Race, Ethnicity and Disasters in the United States: A Review of the Literature. Disasters, 23(2), 156-173.

Gaillard, J.C., K. Sanz, B.C. Balgos, S. N.M. Dalisay, A. Gorman-Murray, F. Smith, V. Toelupe (2017) Beyond men and women: a critical perspective on gender and disaster. Disasters, 41(3), 429-447.

Hollis, S. (2018) Bridging international relations and disaster studies: the case of disaster-conflict scholarship. Disasters, 42(1), 19-40.

Ide, T. (2021) COVID-19 and armed conflict. World Development. Online first.

Ide, T., M. Brzoska, J. F. Donges, C-F. Schleussner (2020) Multi-method evidence for when and how climate-related disasters contribute to armed conflict risk, Global Environmental Change, 62, 102063.

Kelman, I. (2018) Connecting theories of cascading disasters and disaster diplomacy. International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, 30, 172-179.

Koikari, M. (2017) Re-masculinizing the nation: gender, disaster, and the politics of national resilience in post-3.11 Japan, Japan Forum, 2, 143-164.

Mach, K.J., C.M. Kraan, W.N. Adger, H. Buhaug, M. Burke, J.D. Fearon, C.B. Field, C. S. Hendrix, J-F. Maystedt, J. O’Loughlin, P. Roessler, J. Scheffran, K. A. Schultz, N. von Uexkull (2019) Climate as a risk factor for armed conflict. Nature, 571, 193-197.

McVittie, A., L. Cole, A. Wreford, A. Sgobbi, B. Yordi (2018) Ecosystem-based solutions for disaster risk reduction: Lessons from European applications of ecosystem-based adaptation measures. International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, 32, 42-54.

Mehrl, M. & P. W. Thurner (2020) The Effect of the Covid-19 Pandemic on Global Armed Conflict: Early Evidence. Political Studies Review, Online first.

Mena, R. & D. Hilhorst (2021) The (im)possibilities of disaster risk reduction in the context of high-intensity conflict: the case of Afghanistan. Environmental Hazards, 20(2), 188-208.

Muang, R., I. Thiaw, K. Alverson, M. Mumba, J. Liu, M. Rivington (2013) Climate change and Ecosystem-based Adaptation: a new pragmatic approach to buffering climate change impacts. Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability, 5(1) 67-71.

Neumayer, E., & T. Plümper (2007) The Gendered Nature of Natural Disasters: The Impact of Catastrophic Events on the Gender Gap in Life Expectancy, 1981–2002. Annals of the Association of American Geographers, 97(3), 551–66.

Reichelt, M. K. Makovi & A. Sargsyan (2021) The impact of COVID-19 on gender inequality in the labor market and gender-role attitudes, European Societies, 23:sup1, S228-S245.

Standish, K. (2020) A coming wave: suicide and gender after COVID-19. Journal of Gender Studies, 30(1). Online first.

Von Uexkull, N., M. Croicu, H. Fjelde, H. Buhaug (2016) Civil conflict sensitivity to growing-season drought. PNAS, 113(44), 12391-12396.

Walch, C. (2018) Disaster risk reduction amidst armed conflict: informal institutions, rebel groups, and wartime political orders. Disasters, 42(S2), S239-S264.

Whittaker, C., A. Frühauf, S. J. Burthem, R. S. Parry, M. Kotikalapudi, Y. Liang, P. R. Patel, I. Kelman (2018) A disaster diplomacy perspective of acute public health events. Disasters, 42(S2), S173-S195.

Zaidi, R.Z., Fordham, M. (2021) The missing half of the Sendai framework: Gender and women in the implementation of global disaster risk reduction policy. Progress in Disaster Science. Online first.

Sudmeier-Rieux, K., U. Nehren, S. Sandholz, N. Doswald (2019) Disasters and Ecosystems. Resilience in a Changing Climate. Source Book. Geneva: UNEP and Cologne: TH Köln – University of Applied Sciences. (kap 4-7; 10)

TÄ 2 Säkerhetspolitisk analys: Teori och praktik
Kroenig, Matthew (2020) The Return of Great Power Rivalry: Democracy versus Autocracy from the Ancient World to the U.-S. and China. New York: Oxford University Press (300 s)

Thorallsson, Baldur, ed. (2019. Small States and Shelter Theory: Iceland’s External Affairs. London: Routledge (240 s).

Græger, Nina (2019) Illiberalism, Geopolitics, and Middle Power Security: Lessons from the Norwegian case. International Journal 74(1): 84–102.

Mälksoo, Maria (2016) From the ESS to the EU Global Strategy: External Policy, Internal Purpose. Contemporary Security Policy 37(3): 374-388.

Bauman, Rainer, och Stengel, Frank A. (2014) Foreign Policy Analysis, Globalisation and Non-State Actors: State-Centric after All? Journal of International Relations and Development 17(4): 489-521.

Knudsen, Bård B. (2012) Developing a National Security Policy/Strategy: A Roadmap. Sicherheit und Frieden 31(3): 135-140.

Raunio, Tapio, och Wagner, Wolfgang (2020). The Party Politics of Foreign and Security Policy. Foreign Policy Analysis 16(4): 515-531.

Valbar litteratur
Bladaite, Neringa, och Seselgyte, Margarita (2020) Building a Multiple ‘Security Shelter’ in the Baltic States after EU and NATO Accession. Europe-Asia Studies 72(6): 1010–1032.

Bocse, Alexandra-Maria (2020) NATO, Energy Security and Institutional Change. European Security 29(4): 436-455.

Breitenbauch, Henrik & Jakobsson, André Ken (2018) Defence Planning as Strategic Fact: Introduction. Defence Studies 18(3): 253-261.

Giumelli, Francesco, Hofffman, Fabian & Ksiazczaková, Anna (2021) The When, What, Where and Why of European Union Sanctions. European Security 30(1): 1-23.

Mainwaring, Sarah (2020) Always in Control? Sovereign States in Cyberspace. European Journal of International Security 5: 215-232.

Mastanduno, Michael (2019) Partner Politics: Russia, China, and the Challenge of Extending US Hegemony after the Cold War. Security Studies 28(3): 479-504.

Schmidt-Felzmann, Anke & Engelbrekt, Kjell (2018) Challenges in the Baltic Sea Region: Geopolitics, Insecurity and Identity. Global Affairs 4(4-5): 445-466.

Silvius, Ray (2019) Chinese–Russian Economic Relations: Developing the Infrastructure of a Multipolar Global Political Economy? International Politics 56: 622-638.

Meijer, Hugo och Brooks, Stephen G. (2021) Illusions of Autonomy: Why Europe Cannot Provide for Its Security If the United States Pulls Back. International Security 45(4): 7–43.

TÄ 3 Kritiska säkerhetsstudier
Obligatorisk/gemensam litteratur
Peoples, Columba and Vaughan-Williams, Nick (2021) Critical Security Studies: An Introduction. Abingdon: Routledge. 3rd Ed. 294s

Salter, Mark B. and Mutulu, can E. (Eds) (2012) Research Methods in Critical Security Studies: An Introduction. Abingdon: Routledge. 256s

Valbar litteratur
Braidotti, Rosi (2013) The Posthuman. Polity. 229s

Balzaq, Thierry (Ed) (2015) Contesting Security: Strategies and logics. Abingdon: Routledge. 276s

Evangelista, M & H Shue (eds) (2014) The American Way of Bombing: Changing Ethical and Legal Norms, from Flying Fortresses to Drones New York, Cornell University Press. 315s

Hansen, Lene (2006) Security as Practice: Discourse Analysis and the Bosnian War. London: Routledge. 288s

Harrington, Cameron & Shearing, Clifford (2017). Security in the Anthropocene: Reflections on Safety and Care. Bielefeld: Transcript Verlag 220s

Hunnicutt, G. (2020) Gender Violence in Ecofeminist Perspective: Intersections of Animal Oppression, Patriarchy and Domination of the Earth. London & New York. Routledge.

Jabri, Vivienne (2013) The Postcolonial Subject: Claiming Politics/Governing Others in Late Modernity. Routledge. 200s

Jackson, Richard, Toros, Harmonie, Jarvis, Lee, Heath-Kelly, Charlotte (2020) Critical Terrorism Studies at Ten: Contributions, Cases and Future Challenges Routledge 180s

Ticineto Clough, Patricia & Willse, Craig (2011) Beyond Biopolitics: Essays on the Governance of Life and Death. Durham and London: Duke University Press. 383s

Wibben, Annick T.R. (2011) Feminist Security Studies: A Narrative Approach. Abingdon: Routledge. 153s

Wilcox, Lauren B. (2015) Bodies of Violence: Theorizing Embodied Subjects in International Relations. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 250s

Mitzen, Jennifer (2006) “Ontological Security in World Politics: State Identity and the Security Dilemma” European Journal of International Relations 12(3): 341-370

Rossdale, Chris (2015) Enclosing Critique: The Limits of Ontological Security. International Political Sociology, 9(4):369–386. 17s

Steele, Brent J. (2005) “Ontological security and the power of self-identity: British neutrality and the American Civil War” Review of International Studies 31(3): 519 - 540

Untalan, Camina Yu. 2020. “Decentering the Self, Seeing Like the Other: Toward a Postcolonial Approach to Ontological Security.” International Political Sociology 14 (1): 40–56.

TÄ 4 Politisk krishantering
1\. Teoretisk bakgrund


Pursiainen, Christer (2018) The Crisis management cycle. New York: Routledge (186 s).


Bachrach, Peter & Baratz, Morton S. (1963) Decisions and Nondecisions: An Analytical Framework, The American Political Science Review 57(3): 632-642. https://doi.org/10.2307/1952568 (11 s)
Crayne, Mathew P., & Medeiros, Kelsey E. (2021). Making sense of crisis: Charismatic, ideological, and pragmatic leadership in response to COVID-19. American Psychologist 76(3): 462–474. https://doi.org/10.1037/amp0000715. (12 s).
Deverell, Edward Stiglund, Jonatan (2015) Crisis?: Designing a method for organizational crisis investigation, s 29–54 i Nathalie

Schiffino, Laurent Taskins, Cecile Donis & Julien Raone (red.) Organizing after crisis: the challenge of learning. Brussels: Peter Lang Publishing Group. (25 s)

Ekengren, Magnus, Engström, Alina & Rhinard, Mark (2021) Coronapandemin – en smygande kris vintern 2020. Statsvetenskaplig tidskrift 123(5): 33-66 (33s)

Kuipers, Sanneke, van der Wilt, Annemarie & Wolbers, Jeroen (2022) Pandemic publishing: A bibliometric review of COVID-19 research in the crisis and disaster literature. Risk, Hazards & Crisis in Public Policy 13(4): 302-32 (30 s)

Rådestad, Carl & Larsson, Oscar (2020) Responsibilization in contemporary Swedish crisis management: expanding ‘bare life’ biopolitics through exceptionalism and neoliberal governmentality, Critical Policy Studies, 14:1, 86-105, DOI: 10.1080/19460171.2018.1530604 (19 s)

Strandh, Veronica & Eklund, Niklas (2018) Emergent groups in disaster research: Varieties of scientific observation over time and across studies of nine natural disasters. Journal of Contingencies and Crisis Management 26(3): 329-337. (8 s)

Vanhoonacker, Sophie & Wangen, Patrice (2015) 'Graham T. Allison, The Essence of Decision: Explaining the Cuban Missile Crisis', in Martin Lodge, Edward C. Page, and Steven J. Balla (eds), The Oxford Handbook of Classics in Public Policy and Administration, Oxford Handbooks (2015; online edn, Oxford Academic, 7 July 2016), https://doi.org/10.1093/oxfordhb/9780199646135.013.38. (14 s)
Staupe-Delgado, Reidar, Abdel-Fattah, Dina & Pursiainen, Christer (2022) A discipline without a name? Contrasting three fields dealing with hazards and disaster. International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction 70: 1-9 (9 s).

Stern, Eric, 1999. Crisis Decisionmaking: A Cognitive-Institutional Approach. Stockholm: Stockholm University Political Science Dissertation. 1–21. (20 s)

2\. Valbar litteratur

2:1) Collaborative Crisis management (174 s)

Ansell, Chris, & Gash, Alison (2008). Collaborative Governance in theory and Practice. Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory, 18, 543-571 (28 s).

Ansell Christopher, Doberstein Carey, Henderson Hayley, Siddiki Saba, ‘t Hart, Paul (2020) Understanding inclusion in collaborative governance: A mixed methods approach. Policy and Society 39(4):570-591 (21 s).

Chen, Xin & Sullivan, Andrew A (2023) Should I Stay or Should I Go? Why Participants Leave Collaborative Governance Arrangements. Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory 33(2): 246–261, https://doi.org/10.1093/jopart/muac024 (15 s).
Deverell, Edward, Alvinius, Aida & Hede, Susanne (2019) Maktförskjutning och maktutjämning i myndighetssamverkan: En kvalitativ studie om tjänstemän i beredskap på regional nivå. Statsvetenskaplig tidskrift 121(4): 549–567. https://journals.lub.lu.se/st/article/view/20511 (18 s).
Deverell, Edward, Alvinius, Aida & Hede, Susanne (2019) Horizontal Collaboration in Crisis Management, Risk, Hazards and Crisis in Public Policy 10(4):484-508. https://doi.org/10.1002/rhc3.12179 (24 s).
Parker, Charles, Nohrstedt, Daniel, Baird, Julia, Hermansson, Helena, Rubin, Olivier & Baekkeskov, Erik (2020) Collaborative crisis management: a plausibility probe of core assumptions. Policy and Society 39(4): 510–529 https://doi.org/10.1080/14494035.2020.1767337 (19 s)
Nohrstedt, Daniel, Bynander, Fredrik, Parker, Charles & ‘t Hart Paul (2018) Managing crises collaboratively: Prospects and problems—A systematic literature review, Perspectives on Public Management and Governance 1(4): 257–271, https://doi.org/10.1093/ppmgov/gvx018 (14 s).
Ödlund, Ann (2010) Pulling the Same Way? A Multi-Perspectivist Study of Crisis Cooperation in Government, Journal of Contingencies and Crisis Management 18(2): 96-107 https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1468-5973.2010.00605.x (11 s).
Daniela Cristofoli, Scott Douglas, Jacob Torfing & Benedetta Trivellato (2022) Having it all: can collaborative governance be both legitimate and accountable?, Public Management Review, 24:5, 704-728, DOI: 10.1080/14719037.2021.1960736 (24s)

2:2) Policyanalys (216 s)

Ikani, Nikki (2019) Change and Continuity in the European Neighbourhood Policy: The Ukraine Crisis as a Critical Juncture. Geopolitics, 24:1, 20-50, https://doi.org/10.1080/14650045.2017.1422122 (30 s)
Kamkhaji, J.C. & Radaelli, C.M. (2017) Crisis, learning and policy change in the European Union”, Journal of European Public Policy 24(5): 714-734. (20 s)

Naime, Monica (2019) Bridging Crisis Management and Policy Transfer: A Cognitive Approach, International Public Management Review 19(2): 66-88 (22 s).

Nohrstedt, Daniel & Weible, Christopher (2010) The Logic of Policy Change after Crisis: Proximity and Subsystem Interaction, Risk, Hazards & Crisis in Public Policy 1(2):1-32. DOI: 10.2202/1944-4079.1035 (32 s)

Resodihardjo, Sandra L. (2021) The Agenda-Setting Process and Crises: Toward a Conceptual Framework. Oxford Research Encyclopedias of Politics. https://doi-org.proxy.annalindhbiblioteket.se/10.1093/acrefore/9780190228637.013.1594. (25 s)
Saurugger, Sabine & Terpan, Fabien (2016) Do crises lead to policy change? The multiple streams framework and the European Union’s economic governance instruments, Policy Sciences 49(35–53) (18 s).

Walgrave, Stefaan & Varone, Frédéric (2008) Punctuated Equilibrium and Agenda-Setting: Bringing Parties Back in: Policy Change after the Dutroux Crisis in Belgium. Governance: An International Journal of Policy, Administration, and Institutions 21(3): 365–395 (30 s)

Zahariadis, Nikolaos, Petridou, Evangelia, Exadaktylos, Theofanis & Sparf, Jörgen (2021) Policy styles and political trust in Europe’s national responses to the COVID-19 crisis, Policy Studies, DOI: 10.1080/01442872.2021.2019211. (22 s)

Grossman, Peter Z. (2019) Utilizing Ostrom’s institutional analysis and development framework toward an understanding of crisis-driven policy, Policy Sciences volume 52, pages3–20 (2019) (17s).

2:3). Genusperspektiv (185 s)

Bahn, Kate, Cohen, Jennifer & van der Meulen Rodgers, Yana (2020) A Feminist Perspective on COVID-19 and the Value of Care Work Globally. Gender Work and Organization 27: 695–699. (8 s)

Branicki, LJ. (2020) COVID-19, ethics of care and feminist crisis management. Gender Work and Organzation 27: 872– 883. (11 s)

Dobusch, L, Kreissl, K. (2020) Privilege and burden of im-/mobility governance: On the reinforcement of inequalities during a pandemic lockdown. Gender Work and Organization 27: 709–716. (7 s)

Elomäki, Anna & Kantola, Johanna (2022) Feminist Governance in the European Parliament: The Political Struggle over the Inclusion of Gender in the EU’s COVID-19 Response. Politics & Gender, First View , pp. 1 – 22 DOI: https://doi.org/10.1017/S1743923X21000544 (21 s)
Ericson, Mathias (2020) Gendering risk and vulnerability: Tensions and conflicting views in crisis preparedness work in Sweden. Gender work & organization 27(6): 1308-1320 (12 s)

Jansson, Ulrika & Linghag, Sofie (2015) Genusperspektiv på ledning och samverkan vid olyckor och kriser – en forskningsöversikt. Stockholm: MSB 2015 (60 s) .

Kvarnlöf, Linda & Wall, Erika. (2021) Stories of the storm: the interconnection between risk management strategies and everyday experiences of rurality. Journal of Risk Research 24(8):1016-1029 (14 s)

Mellström, Ulf, Ericson, Mathias & Callerstig, Ann-Charlotte (2016) Introduction: Masculinities, Gender Equality, Crisis Management and the Rescue Services: Contested Terrains and Challenges. I Mathias Ericson & Ulf Mellström (red) Masculinities, gender equality and crisis management, Burlington, VT: Ashgate (16 s).

Åse, Cecilia. (2016) Ship of Shame: Gender and Nation in Narratives of the 1981 Soviet Submarine Crisis in Sweden. Journal of Cold War Studies 18(1): 112–132. (21 s)

Åse, Cecilia. (2015) Crisis Narratives and Masculinist Protection. International Feminist Journal of Politics 17(4): 595–610. (15 s)

2:4) Institutionella perspektiv (164 s)

Boersma, Kees, Ferguson, Julie, Groenewegen, Peter & Wolbers, Jeroen (2021) The dynamics of power in disaster response networks. Risk, Hazards & Crisis in Public Policy 12(4): 418-433 (15 s).

Boin, Arjen & ‘t Hart, Paul. (2003) Public Leadership in Times of Crisis: Mission Impossible?, Public Administration Review 63(5): 544–553. (9 s)

Boin, R., McConnell, A., & ‘t Hart, P. (2009). Crisis Exploitation: Political and Policy Impacts of Framing Contests. Journal of European Public Policy 16(1): 81–106. (25 s)

Christensen, Tom, Lægreid, Per & Rykkja, Lise H. (2016) Organizing for Crisis Management: Building Governance Capacity and Legitimacy, Public Administration Review 76(6): 887-897 (10 s).

Deverell, Edward (2021) Professionalization of crisis management: A case study of local-level crisis communicators in Sweden Journal of Contingencies and Crisis Management 29(2):131-142 (11 s).

‘t Hart, P. (1993) Symbols, Rituals and Power: The Lost Dimensions of Crisis Management, Journal of Contingencies and Crisis Management 1(1): 29–43. (20 s)

’t Hart, Paul, Rosenthal, Uriel & Kouzmin, Alexander. (1993) Crisis Decision Making: The Centralization thesis, Administration & Society 25(1):12–44. (32 s)

Schiffino, Nathalie, Taskin, Laurent, Donis, Céline & Raone, Julien. (2017) Post-crisis learning in public agencies: what do we learn from both actors and institutions?. Policy Studies 38(1): 59–75. (16 s)

2:5) Framing (157 s)

Albrecht, Frederike (2020) Natural hazards as political events: framing and politicisation of floods in the United Kingdom. Environmental Hazards 21(1): 17-35. (18s)

Abdou Hadj, Leila (2020) ‘Push or pull’? Framing immigration in times of crisis in the European Union and the United States. Journal of European Integration 42(5): 643–658. (15 s).

Brändström, Annika & Kuipers, Sanneke (2003) From ‘Normal Incidents’ to Political Crises: Understanding the Selective Politicization of Policy Failures. Government and Opposition 38(3):279 - 305. (26 s).

Ganesh, Bharath & Froio, Caterina. (2020) A “Europe des Nations”: far right imaginative geographies and the politicization of cultural crisis on Twitter in Western Europe. Journal of European Integration 42(5): 715–732. (17 s)

Liu, Yihong & Boin, Arjen. (2020) Framing a mega-disaster: Political rhetoric and the Wenchuan earthquake. Safety Science 125: 1–8 (8 s)

Voltolini, Benedetta, Natorski, Michal & Hay, Colin (2020). Introduction: The politicisation of permanent crisis in Europe. Journal of European Integration 42(5): 609–624. (15 s)

Widmaier, W. (2007) Constructing foreign policy crises: interpretive leadership in the cold war and war on terrorism. International Studies Quarterly 51(4): 779–794. (15 s)

Simonsen, Sandra (2022) Swedish exceptionalism and the Sars-CoV2 pandemic crisis: Representations of crisis and national identity in the public sphere. Risk, Hazards & Crisis in Public Policy 13(3): 277-295 (18s)

Wodak, Ruth. (2021), Crisis communication and crisis management during COVID-19, Global Discourse 11(3): 329-353 https://doi.org/10.1332/204378921X16100431230102 (25 s)
2:6) Normativa perspektiv (152 s)

Boin, Arjen & Rhinard, Mark (2023) Crisis management performance and the European Union: the case of COVID-19, Journal of European Public Policy, 30:4, 655-675, DOI: 10.1080/13501763.2022.2141304 (20s).

Compton, Mallory, Scott Douglas, Lauren Fahy, Joannah Luetjens, Paul ‘t Hart & Judith van Erp (2021): New development: Walk on the bright side—what might we learn about public governance by studying its achievements?, Public Money & Management (42(1): 49-51, DOI:10.1080/09540962.2021.1975994. (3 s).

Danielsson, Erna & Sjöstedt-Landén, A. (2020) Leader Normativity in Crisis Management: Tales From a School Fire. Risks, Hazards & Crisis in Public Policy 11: 139–165. (27 s)

Douglas, Scott, Thomas Schillemans, Paul ‘t Hart, Chris Ansell, Lotte Bøgh Andersen, Matthew Flinders, Brian Head, Donald Moynihan, Tina Nabatchi, Janine O’Flynn, B. Guy Peters, Jos Raadschelders, Alessandro Sancino, Eva Sørensen & Jacob Torfing (2021) Rising to Ostrom’s challenge: an invitation to walk on the bright side of public governance and public service, Policy Design and Practice, 4:4, 441-451, DOI: 10.1080/25741292.2021.1972517 (10 s).

McConnell, A. (2011) Success? Failure? Something in-between? A framework for evaluating crisis management. Policy and Society 30(2): 63–76. (13 s)

Olson, Richard Stuart & Gawronski, Vincent T. (2010) From disaster event to political crisis: a “5C+A” framework for analysis. International Studies Perspectives 11(3): 205–221. (16 s)

Rosenthal, Uriel & Kouzmin, Alexander. (1997) Crises and crisis management: toward comprehensive government decision making, Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory 7(2): 277–304. (27 s)

Shlomo Mizrahi, Eran Vigoda-Gadot, Nissim Cohen (2021) How Well Do They Manage a Crisis? The Government's Effectiveness During the COVID-19 Pandemic. Public Administration Review 81(6) 1120-1130. (10 s)

Windsor, Leah C., Yannitell Reinhardt, Gina, Windsor, Alistair J., Ostergard, Robert, Allen, Susan, Burns, Courtney, Giger, Jarod,

Wood, Reed (2020) Gender in the time of COVID-19: Evaluating national leadership and COVID-19 fatalities. PLoS ONE 15(12): e0244531. https://doi.org/10.1371/ journal.pone.0244531. (26 s)
Litteraturlista fastställande datum: 2024-06-04

Delkurs 1. Forskningsdesign och vetenskaplig metod 
Bergström, Göran & Boréus, Kristina (2018). Textens mening och makt: metodbok i samhällsvetenskaplig text- och diskursanalys. Lund: Studentlitteratur.
Eliasson, Annika (2018). Kvantitativ metod från början. Lund: Studentlitteratur.
Lamont, Christopher and Bodunszynski, Mieczyslaw P. (2020). Research Methods in Politics and International Relations, London: Sage.
Bennett, Andrew & Checkel, Jeffrey T. (red) (2014). Process Tracing: from metaphor to analytical tool. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Franzosi, Roberto (2007). Content Analysis: Objective, Systematic, and Quantitative Description of Content, Content Analysis 1(1): 21-49.

Gustafsson, Karl, & Hagström, Linus (2018). What is the point? Teaching graduate students how to construct political science research puzzles, European Political Science 17: 634-48.

Delkurs 2. Tematisk ämnesfördjupning
1) Katastrofhantering och riskreducering
Obligatorisk litteratur 
Kelman, Ilan (2020). Disaster by Choice. How our actions turn natural hazards into catastrophes. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Douglas, Mary & Wildavsky, Aaron (1982). Risk and Culture. Berkeley: University of California Press.

Albrecht, Frederike & Parker, Charles F. (2019). Healing the Ozone Layer: The Montreal Protocol and the Lessons and Limits of a Global Governance Success Story, In: Compton, Mallory and ‘t Hart, Paul (eds) Great Policy Successes. Oxford: Oxford University Press: ss.304-322.

Alexander, David E. (2013). Resilience and disaster risk reduction: an etymological journey, Nat. Hazards Earth Syst. Sci., 13: 2707- 2716.

Aronsson-Storrier, Marie (2020). Sendai Five Years on: Reflections on the Role of International Law in the Creation and Reduction of Disaster Risk. Int J Disaster Risk Sci, 11: 230-238.

Comfort, Louise K., Wisner, Ben, Cutter, Susan L., Pulwarty, R., Hewit, Kenneth, Oliver-Smith, A., Wiener, John, Fordham, Maureen, Peacock, Walter G., Krimgold, F. (1999). Reframing disaster policy: the global evolution of vulnerable communities. Environmental Hazards, 1: 39-44.

Kelman, Ilan (2017). Linking disaster risk reduction, climate change, and the sustainable development goals. Disaster Prevention and Management, 26(3): 254-258.

Kuipers, Sanneke, Welsh, Nicholas (2017). Taxonomy of the Crisis and Disaster Literature: Themes and Types in 34 Years of Research. Risk, Hazards & Crisis in Public Policy, 8(4): 272-283.

Schipper, Lisa & Pelling, Mark (2006). Disaster risk, climate change and international development: scope for, and challenges to, integration. Disasters, 30(1): 19-38.

Tierney, Kathleen (2012). Disaster Governance: Social, Political and Economic Dimensions. Annual Review of Environment and Resources, 37: 341-363.

Wisner, Ben & Luce, Henry R. (1993). Disaster Vulnerability: Scale, Power and Daily Life. GeoJournal, 30(2): 127-140.

Valbar litteratur 
1\. Katastrofer och genus

Arora-Johnson, Seema (2011). Virtue and Vulnerability: Discourses on Women, Gender and Climate Change. Global Environmental Change, 21: 744-751.

Betron, Myra, Gottert, Ann, Pulerwitz, Julie, Shattuck, Dominick, Stevanovic-Fenn, Natacha (2020). Men and COVID-19: Adding a gender lens. Global Public Health, 15(7): 1090-1092.

Bondesson, Sara (2019). Why gender does not stick: exploring conceptual logics in global disaster risk reduction policy. Kinnvall, C. & H. Rydström (eds) Climate Hazards, Disasters, and Gender Ramifications. London: Routledge: ss.48-66.

Bradshaw, Sarah (2015). Engendering development and disasters, Disasters 39(1): s54-s75.

Fothergill, Anne, E.G. Maestas, & J.D. Darlington (1999). Race, Ethnicity and Disasters in the United States: A Review of the Literature. Disasters, 23(2): 156-173.

Gaillard, JC, Sanz, Kristinne, Balgos, Benigno C., Dalisay, Soledad Natalia M., Gorman-Murray, Andrew, Smith, Fagalua, Toelupe, Vaito’a (2017). Beyond men and women: a critical perspective on gender and disaster. Disasters, 41(3), 429-447.

Koikari, Mire (2017). Re-masculinizing the nation: gender, disaster, and the politics of national resilience in post-3.11 Japan, Japan Forum, 2: 143-164.

Neumayer, Eric & Plümper, Thomas (2007). The Gendered Nature of Natural Disasters: The Impact of Catastrophic Events on the Gender Gap in Life Expectancy, 1981–2002. Annals of the Association of American Geographers, 97(3): 551–566.

Reichelt, Malte, Makovi Kinga, Sargsyan, Anahit (2021). The impact of COVID-19 on gender inequality in the labor market and gender-role attitudes, European Societies, 23:sup1: S228-S245.

Standish, Katerina (2020). A coming wave: suicide and gender after COVID-19. Journal of Gender Studies, 30(2): 1-5.

Zaidi, Zehra R., Fordham, Maureen (2021). The missing half of the Sendai framework: Gender and women in the implementation of global disaster risk reduction policy. Progress in Disaster Science, 10: 100170.

2\. Katastrofer, fred och konflikt

Bloem, Jeffrey R. & Salemi, Colette (2021). COVID-19 and conflict. World Development, 140: 105294.

Hollis, Simon (2018). Bridging international relations and disaster studies: the case of disaster-conflict scholarship. Disasters, 42(1): 19-40.

Kelman, Ilan (2018). Connecting theories of cascading disasters and disaster diplomacy. International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, 30: 172-179.

Ide, Tobias (2021). COVID-19 and armed conflict. World Development, 140: 105355.

Ide, Tobias, Brzoska, Michael, Donges, Jonathan F., Schleussner, Carl-Friedrich (2020). Multi-method evidence for when and how climate-related disasters contribute to armed conflict risk, Global Environmental Change, 62: 102063.

Mach, Katharine J., Kraan, Caroline M., Adger, W Neil, Buhaug, Halvard, Burke, Marshall, Fearon, James D., Field, Christopher B., Hendrix, Cullen S., Maystedt, Jean-Francois, O’Loughlin, John, Roessler, Philip, Scheffran, Jürgen, Schultz, Kenneth A., von Uexkull, Nina (2019). Climate as a risk factor for armed conflict. Nature, 571: 193-197.

Mehrl, Marius & Thurner, Paul W. (2021). The Effect of the Covid-19 Pandemic on Global Armed Conflict: Early Evidence. Political Studies Review, 19(2): 286-293.

Mena, Rodrigo & Hilhorst, Dorthea (2021). The (im)possibilities of disaster risk reduction in the context of high-intensity conflict: the case of Afghanistan. Environmental Hazards, 20(2): 188-208.

Von Uexkull, Nina, Croicu, Mihai, Fjelde, Hanne, Buhaug, Halvard (2016). Civil conflict sensitivity to growing-season drought. PNAS, 113(44): 12391-12396.

Walch, Colin (2018). Disaster risk reduction amidst armed conflict: informal institutions, rebel groups, and wartime political orders. Disasters, 42(S2): S239-S264.

Whittaker, Charlie, Frühauf, Anna, Burthem, Samuel J., Parry, Rebecca S., Kotikalapudi, Meghana, Liang, Yihui, Moffett Barker, Mary, Patel, Parth R., Kelman, Ilan (2018). A disaster diplomacy perspective of acute public health events. Disasters, 42(S2): S173-S195.

3\. Ekosystembaserad katastrofriskreducering

Anderson, Carl C., Renaud, Fabrice G., Hanscomb, Stuart, Gonzalez-Ollauri, Alejandro (2022). Green, hybrid, or grey disaster risk reduction measures: What shapes public preferences for nature-based solutions? Journal of Environmental Management, 310: 114727.

Anderson, Carl C., Renaud, Fabrice G. (2021). A review of public acceptance of nature-based solutions: The ‘why’, ‘when’, and ‘how’ of success for disaster risk reduction measures. Ambio 50: 1552–1573.

Bernello, Giacomo, Mondino, Elena, Bortolini, Lucia (2022). People’s Perception of Nature-Based Solutions for Flood Mitigation: The Case of Veneto Region (Italy). Sustainability,14 (8): 4621.

Dunlop, Thomas, Khojasteh, Danial, Cohen-Shacham, Emanuelle, Glamore, William C., Haghani, Milad, van den Bosch, Matilda, Rizzi, Daniela, Greve, Peter, Felder, Stefan (2024). The evolution and future of research on Nature-based Solutions to address societal challenges. Communications Earth & Environment 5: 132.

Everard, Mark, Johnston, Paul, Santillo, David, Staddon, Chad (2020). The role of ecosystems in mitigation and management of Covid-19 and other zoonoses, Environmental Science & Policy, 111: 7-17.

Faivre, Nicolas, Sgobbi, Alessandra, Happaerts, Sander, Raynal, Julie, Schmidt, Laura (2018). Translating the Sendai Framework into action: The EU approach to ecosystem-based disaster risk reduction. International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, 32: 4-10.

McVittie, Alistair, Cole, Lorna, Wreford, Anita, Sgobbi, Alessandra, Yordi, Beatriz (2018). Ecosystem-based solutions for disaster risk reduction: Lessons from European applications of ecosystem-based adaptation measures. International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, 32: 42-54.

Nehren, Udo, Arce-Mojica, Teresa, Cara Barrett, Ali, Cueto, J., Doswald, Nathalie, Janzen, Sally, Lange, Wolfram, Ortiz Vargas, A., Pirazan-Palomar, Laura, Renaud, Fabrice G., Sandholz, Simone, Sebesvari, Zita, Sudmeier-Rieux, Karen, Walz, Yvonne (2023). Towards a typology of nature-based solutions for disaster risk reduction, Nature-Based Solutions, 3: 100057.

Sudmeier-Rieux, Karen, Arce-Mojica, Teresa, Boehmer, Hans Jürgen, Doswald, Nathalie, Emerton, Lucy, Friess, Dan, Galvin, Stephen, Hagenlocher Michael, James, H., Laban, P., Lacambra, C., Lange, Wolfram, McAdoo, B.G.,, Moos, Christine, Mysiak, J., Narvaez, L., Nehren, Udo, Peduzzi, Pascal, Renaud, Fabrice G., Sandholz, Simone, Schreyers Louise, Sebesvari, Zita, Tom T., Triyanti, Annisa, van Eijk, Pieter, van Staveren, Martijn, Vicarelli, M., Walz, Yvonne (2021). Scientific evidence for ecosystem-based disaster risk reduction. Nature Sustainability 4: 803–810.

Triyanti Annisa & Chu, Eric (2018). A survey of governance approaches to ecosystem-based disaster risk reduction: Current gaps and future directions, International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, 32: 11-21.

Walz, Yvonne, Janzen, Sally, Narvaez, Liliana, Ortiz-Vargas, Andrea, Woelki, Jacob, Doswald, Nathalie, Sebesvari, Zita (2021). Disaster-related losses of ecosystems and their services. Why and how do losses matter for disaster risk reduction? International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, 63: 102425.

4\. Kommunikation och katastrofer

Albrecht, Frederike (2022). Natural hazards as political events: framing and politicisation of floods in the United Kingdom, Environmental Hazards, 21(1): 17-35.

Bohensky, Erin L., Leitch, Anne M. (2014). Framing the flood: a media analysis of themes of resilience in the 2011 Brisbane flood. Reg Environ Change 14: 475–488.

Hall, Kevin & Wolf, Meike (2021). Whose crisis? Pandemic flu, “communication disasters” and the struggle for hegemony. Health, 25(3): 322–338.

Kuttschreuter, Margot, Gutteling, Jan M., de Hond, Maureen (2011). Framing and tone-of-voice of disaster media coverage: The aftermath of the Enschede fireworks disaster in the Netherlands. Health, Risk & Society, 13(3): 201–220.

Lindholm, Jenny, Carlsson, Tom, Albrecht, Frederike, Hermansson, Helena (2023). Chapter 7. Communicating Covid-19 on social media: Analysing the use of Twitter and Instagram by Nordic health authorities and prime ministers. Johansson, Bengt, Ihlen, Øyvind, Lindholm, Jenny, Blach-Ørsten, Marc (Eds.) Communicating a pandemic: Crisis management and Covid-19 in the Nordic countries. Gothenburg: Nordicom: ss149–172.

Son, Jaebong & Negahban, Arash (2023). Examining the Impact of Emojis on Disaster Communication: A Perspective from the Uncertainty Reduction Theory. AIS Transactions on Human-Computer Interaction, 15(4): 377-413.

Sturges, David L. (1994). Communicating through crisis: A strategy for organisational survival. Management Communication Quarterly, 7(3): 297–316.

Tagliacozzo, Serena, Albrecht, Frederike, Ganapati, N.Emel (2021). International Perspectives on COVID-19 Communication Ecologies: Public Health Agencies’ Online Communication in Italy, Sweden, and the United States. American Behavioral Scientist, 65(7): 934-955.

Thistlethwaite, Jason, Henstra, Daniel, Minano, Andrea, Dordi, Truzaar (2019). Policy framing in the press: analyzing media coverage of two flood disasters. Reg Environ Change 19: 2597–2607.

Tierney, Kathleen, Bevc, Christine, Kuligowski, Erica (2006). Metaphors Matter: Disaster Myths, Media Frames, and Their Consequences in Hurricane Katrina. The ANNALS of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, 604(1): 57-81.

5\. Katastrofer och socialt kapital

Albrecht, Frederike (2018). Natural hazard events and social capital: the social impact of natural disasters. Disasters, 42: 336–360.

Aldrich, Daniel P. (2015). It’s who you know: factors driving recovery from Japan’s 11 March 2011 disaster. Public Administration, 94: 399-413.

Aldrich, Daniel P. & Meyer, Michelle C. (2015). Social Capital and Community Resilience. American Behavioral Scientist, 59: 254-269.

Aldrich Daniel P. (2011). The externalities of strong social capital, post-tsunami recovery in Southeast India. Journal of Civil Society, 7: 81-99.

Chang, Kirk (2010). Community cohesion after a disaster: insights from a Carlisle flood. Disasters, 34: 289-302.

Dussaillant, Francisca & Guzmán, Eugenio (2014). Trust via disasters: the case of Chile’s 2010 earthquake. Disasters, 38: 808-832.

Ganapati, N.Emel (2012). In Good Company: Why Social Capital Matters for Women during Disaster Recovery, Public Administration Review, 72(3): 319-476.

Hawkins, Robert L. & Maurer, Katherine (2010). Bonding, Bridging and Linking: How Social Capital Operated in New Orleans following Hurricane Katrina. British Journal of Social Work, 40: 1777-1793.

Kyne, Dean, Aldrich, Daniel P. (2020). Capturing Bonding, Bridging, and Linking Social Capital through Publicly Available Data. Risk, Hazards, & Crisis in Public Policy, 11(1): 61-86.

Lin, Nan (1999). Building a Network Theory of Social Capital. Connections, 22: 28-51.

Lin, Nan (2000). Inequality in social capital. Contemporary Sociology, 29: 785-795.

Panday, Sarita, Rushton, Simon, Karki, Jiban, Balen, Julie, Barnes, Amy (2021). The role of social capital in disaster resilience in remote communities after the 2015 Nepal earthquake, International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, 55: 102112.

6\. Riskperception och katastrofer

Dryhurst, Sarah, Schneider, Claudia R., Kerr, John, Freeman Alexandra L.J., Recchia, Gabriel, van der Bles, Anne M., Spiegelhalter David J., van der Linden, Sander (2022). Risk perceptions of COVID-19 around the world. Journal of Risk Research, 23(7-8): 994-1006.

Grothmann, Torsten, Reusswig, Fritz (2006). People at Risk of Flooding: Why Some Residents Take Precautionary Action While Others Do Not. Nat Hazards 38: 101–120.

Hudson, Paul, Hagedoorn, Liselotte, Bubeck, Philip (2020). Potential Linkages Between Social Capital, Flood Risk Perceptions, and Self-Efficacy. Int J Disaster Risk Sci 11: 251–262.

Marshall, Tracy M. (2020). Risk perception and safety culture: Tools for improving the implementation of disaster risk reduction strategies, International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, 47, 2020: 101557.

Morss, Rebecca E., Lazrus, Heather, Bostrom, Ann, Demuth, Julie L. (2020). The influence of cultural worldviews on people’s responses to hurricane risks and threat information. Journal of Risk Research, 23(12): 1620–1649.

Ridolfi, Elena, Albrecht, Frederike, & Di Baldassarre, Giuliano (2020). Exploring the role of risk perception in influencing flood losses over time. Hydrological Sciences Journal, 65(1): 12–20.

Siegrist, Michael and Árvai, Joseph (2020). Risk Perception: Reflections on 40 Years of Research. Risk Analysis, 40: 2191-2206.

Slovic, Paul (2020). Risk Perception and Risk Analysis in a Hyperpartisan and Virtuously Violent World. Risk Analysis, 40: 2231-2239.

Slovic, Paul (1987). Perception of Risk. Science 236:280-285.

Teutschbein, Claudia, Albrecht, Frederike, Blicharska, Malgorzata, Tootoonchi, Faranak, Stenfors, Elin, Grabs, Thomas (2023). Drought hazards and stakeholder perception: Unraveling the interlinkages between drought severity, perceived impacts, preparedness, and management. Ambio 52: 1262–1281.

Wen Xue, Hine, Donald W., Loi, Natasha M., Thorsteinsson, Einar B., Phillips, Wendy J. (2014). Cultural worldviews and environmental risk perceptions: A meta-analysis. Journal of Environmental Psychology, 40: 249-258

2) Säkerhetspolitisk analys: Teori och praktik
Obligatorisk/gemensam litteratur
Kroenig, Matthew (2020) The Return of Great Power Rivalry: Democracy versus Autocracy from the Ancient World to the U.-S. and China. New York: Oxford University Press (300 s)
Thorallsson, Baldur, ed. (2019. Small States and Shelter Theory: Iceland’s External Affairs. London: Routledge (240 s).
Græger, Nina (2019) Illiberalism, Geopolitics, and Middle Power Security: Lessons from the Norwegian case. International Journal 74(1): 84–102.
Mälksoo, Maria (2016) From the ESS to the EU Global Strategy: External Policy, Internal Purpose. Contemporary Security Policy 37(3): 374-388.

Bauman, Rainer, och Stengel, Frank A. (2014) Foreign Policy Analysis, Globalisation and Non-State Actors: State-Centric after All? Journal of International Relations and Development 17(4): 489-521.
Knudsen, Bård B. (2012) Developing a National Security Policy/Strategy: A Roadmap. Sicherheit und Frieden 31(3): 135-140.
Raunio, Tapio, och Wagner, Wolfgang (2020). The Party Politics of Foreign and Security Policy. Foreign Policy Analysis 16(4): 515-531.
Valbar litteratur

Blomdahl, Mikael (2023) “The National Security Advisor in the Role as Coordinator and Counselor: H. R. McMaster and John Bolton in the Trump Administration”, Amerikastudien/American Studies 68(1).
Mastanduno, Michael (2019) Partner Politics: Russia, China, and the Challenge of Extending US Hegemony after the Cold War. Security Studies 28(3): 479-504
Silvius, Ray (2019) Chinese–Russian Economic Relations: Developing the Infrastructure of a Multipolar Global Political Economy? International Politics 56: 622-638
Meijer, Hugo och Brooks, Stephen G. (2021) Illusions of Autonomy: Why Europe Cannot Provide for Its Security If the United States Pulls Back. International Security 45(4): 7–43
Europeiska småstater

Bladaite, Neringa, och Seselgyte, Margarita (2020) Building a Multiple ‘Security Shelter’ in the Baltic States after EU and NATO Accession. Europe-Asia Studies 72(6): 1010–1032
Bocse, Alexandra-Maria (2020) NATO, Energy Security and Institutional Change. European Security 29(4): 436-455
Doeser, Fredrik (2014) “Sweden´s Libya Decision: A Case of Humanitarian Intervention”,

International Politics 51, pp: 196-213.
Schmidt-Felzmann, Anke & Engelbrekt, Kjell (2018) Challenges in the Baltic Sea Region: Geopolitics, Insecurity and Identity. Global Affairs4(4-5): 445-466
Säkerhetspolitikens form och innehåll

Breitenbauch, Henrik & Jakobsson, André Ken (2018) Defence Planning as Strategic Fact: Introduction. Defence Studies 18(3): 253-261
Giumelli, Francesco, Hofffman, Fabian & Ksiazczaková, Anna (2021) The When, What, Where and Why of European Union Sanctions. European Security 30(1): 1-23
Mainwaring, Sarah (2020) Always in Control? Sovereign States in Cyberspace. European Journal of International Security 5: 215-232
3\. Kritiska säkerhetsstudier
Obligatorisk/gemensam litteratur
Peoples, Columba and Vaughan-Williams, Nick (2021) Critical Security Studies: An Introduction. Abingdon: Routledge. 3rd Ed. 294s
Salter, Mark B. and Mutulu, can E. (Eds) (2012) Research Methods in Critical Security Studies: An Introduction. Abingdon: Routledge. 256s
Valbar litteratur 
Ontologisk säkerhet

Mitzen, Jennifer (2006) Ontological Security in World Politics: State Identity and the Security Dilemma. European Journal of International Relations 12(3): 341-370
Rossdale, Chris (2015) Enclosing Critique: The Limits of Ontological Security. International Political Sociology 9(4): 369–386.
Steele, Brent J. (2005) Ontological security and the power of self-identity: British neutrality and the American Civil War. Review of International Studies 31(3): 519-540.
Untalan, Camina Yu. 2020. Decentering the Self, Seeing Like the Other: Toward a Postcolonial Approach to Ontological Security. International Political Sociology 14(1): 40–56.
Lokala säkerhetsbegrepp

Aning, K. & Zelmanovitz Axelrod, I. (2022) “Hybrid Security Provision in African Post-Colonial Settings: The Cases of Burkina Faso and Sierra Leone”, The International Spectator, vol. 58, no. 2, 140–157.

Bubandt, N. (2005). Vernacular Security: The Politics of Feeling Safe in Global, National and Local Worlds. Security Dialogue*, *36(3), 275-296. https://doi.org/10.1177/0967010605057015
Elbek, L. L., & Starke, P. (2024). Registers of security: The concept of tryghed in Danish politics. Security Dialogue*, *55(2), 216-234. https://doi.org/10.1177/09670106231223121
Nyman, Jonna (2023) “Towards a Global Security Studies: What Can Looking at China Tell Us About the Concept of Security?”, European Journal of International Relations, vol. 29, no. 3, 673–697.

Säkerhetspolitiska narrativ

Chaban, N., Zhabotynska, S., & Knodt, M. (2023). What makes strategic narrative efficient: Ukraine on Russian e-news platforms. Cooperation and Conflict*, *58(4), 419-440. https://doi.org/10.1177/00108367231161272
Considine, L. (2022) Narrative and nuclear weapons: The entelechial force of the nuclear origin myth. International Theory 14(3): 551-570. doi:10.1017/S1752971921000257

Crilley, R., & Chatterje-Doody, P. N. (2020). Emotions and war on YouTube: affective investments in RT’s visual narratives of the conflict in Syria. Cambridge Review of International Affairs*, *33(5), 713–733. https://doi.org/10.1080/09557571.2020.1719038
Homolar, A., & Turner, O (2024) Narrative alliances: the discursive foundations of international order, International Affairs 100(1): 203–220, https://doi.org/10.1093/ia/iiad291
Genus och kritiska säkerhetsstudier

Aggestam, K., & Rosamond, A. B. (2018). Re-politicising the Gender-Security Nexus: Sweden’s Feminist Foreign Policy. European Review of International Studies*, *5(3), 30-48. https://doi.org/10.3224/eris.v5i3.02
Hansen, L. (2000). Gender, Nation, Rape: Bosnia and the Construction of Security. International Feminist Journal of Politics*, *3(1), 55–75. https://doi.org/10.1080/14616740010019848
Sjoberg, L. (2015). Seeing sex, gender, and sexuality in international security. International Journal, 70(3), 434-453. https://doi.org/10.1177/0020702015584590
Young, I.M. (2003) The logic of masculinist protection: Reflections on the current security state. Signs: Journal of Women in Culture and Society 29(1): 1-25. https://doi.org/10.1086/375708

Balzacq, T., Léonard, S., & Ruzicka, J. (2016). ‘Securitization’ revisited: theory and cases. International Relations, 30(4), 494-531. https://doi.org/10.1177/0047117815596590
Floyd, R. (2015). Extraordinary or ordinary emergency measures: what, and who, defines the ‘success’ of securitization? Cambridge Review of International Affairs*, *29(2), 677–694. https://doi.org/10.1080/09557571.2015.1077651
Ganz, A. (2024). Emotions and securitisation: a new materialist discourse analysis. European Journal of International Relations, 30(2), 280-305. https://doi.org/10.1177/13540661221151038
Waever, O. (1993) Securitization and desecuritization. In: Lipschutz, R.D. On Security. Available at: https://www.libraryofsocialscience.com/assets/pdf/Waever-Securitization.pdf
4) Politisk krishantering
Obligatorisk/gemensam litteratur
Pursiainen, Christer (2018) The Crisis management cycle. New York: Routledge (186 s).
Bachrach, Peter & Baratz, Morton S. (1963) Decisions and Nondecisions: An Analytical Framework, The American Political Science Review57(3): 632-642. https://doi.org/10.2307/1952568 (11 s)
Crayne, Mathew P., & Medeiros, Kelsey E. (2021). Making sense of crisis: Charismatic, ideological, and pragmatic leadership in response to COVID-19. American Psychologist 76(3): 462–474. https://doi.org/10.1037/amp0000715. (12 s).
Deverell, Edward Stiglund, Jonatan (2015) Crisis : Designing a method for organizational crisis investigation, s 29–54 i Nathalie Schiffino, Laurent Taskins, Cecile Donis & Julien Raone (red.) Organizing after crisis: the challenge of learning. Brussels: Peter Lang Publishing Group. (25 s)
Ekengren, Magnus, Engström, Alina & Rhinard, Mark (2021) Coronapandemin – en smygande kris vintern 2020. Statsvetenskaplig tidskrift 123(5): 33-66 (33s)

Kuipers, Sanneke, van der Wilt, Annemarie & Wolbers, Jeroen (2022) Pandemic publishing: A bibliometric review of COVID-19 research in the crisis and disaster literature. Risk, Hazards & Crisis in Public Policy 13(4): 302-32 (30 s)
Rådestad, Carl & Larsson, Oscar (2020) Responsibilization in contemporary Swedish crisis management: expanding ‘bare life’ biopolitics through exceptionalism and neoliberal governmentality, Critical Policy Studies, 14:1, 86-105, DOI: 10.1080/19460171.2018.1530604 (19 s)

Strandh, Veronica & Eklund, Niklas (2018) Emergent groups in disaster research: Varieties of scientific observation over time and across studies of nine natural disasters. Journal of Contingencies and Crisis Management 26(3): 329-337. (8 s)
Vanhoonacker, Sophie & Wangen, Patrice (2015) 'Graham T. Allison, The Essence of Decision: Explaining the Cuban Missile Crisis', in Martin Lodge, Edward C. Page, and Steven J. Balla (eds), The Oxford Handbook of Classics in Public Policy and Administration, Oxford Handbooks (2015; online edn, Oxford Academic, 7 July 2016), https://doi.org/10.1093/oxfordhb/9780199646135.013.38. (14 s)
Staupe-Delgado, Reidar, Abdel-Fattah, Dina & Pursiainen, Christer (2022) A discipline without a name? Contrasting three fields dealing with hazards and disaster. International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction 70: 1-9 (9 s).

Stern, Eric, 1999. Crisis Decisionmaking: A Cognitive-Institutional Approach. Stockholm: Stockholm University Political Science Dissertation. 1–21. (20 s)

Valbar litteratur
Collaborative Crisis management (174 s)

Ansell, Chris, & Gash, Alison (2008). Collaborative Governance in theory and Practice. Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory, 18, 543-571 (28 s).

Ansell Christopher, Doberstein Carey, Henderson Hayley, Siddiki Saba, ‘t Hart, Paul (2020) Understanding inclusion in collaborative governance: A mixed methods approach. Policy and Society 39(4):570-591 (21 s).
Chen, Xin & Sullivan, Andrew A (2023) Should I Stay or Should I Go? Why Participants Leave Collaborative Governance Arrangements. Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory 33(2): 246–261, https://doi.org/10.1093/jopart/muac024 (15 s).
Deverell, Edward, Alvinius, Aida & Hede, Susanne (2019) Maktförskjutning och maktutjämning i myndighetssamverkan: En kvalitativ studie om tjänstemän i beredskap på regional nivå. Statsvetenskaplig tidskrift 121(4): 549–567. https://journals.lub.lu.se/st/article/view/20511 (18 s).
Deverell, Edward, Alvinius, Aida & Hede, Susanne (2019) Horizontal Collaboration in Crisis Management, Risk, Hazards and Crisis in Public Policy 10(4):484-508. https://doi.org/10.1002/rhc3.12179 (24 s).
Parker, Charles, Nohrstedt, Daniel, Baird, Julia, Hermansson, Helena, Rubin, Olivier & Baekkeskov, Erik (2020) Collaborative crisis management: a plausibility probe of core assumptions. Policy and Society 39(4): 510–529 https://doi.org/10.1080/14494035.2020.1767337 (19 s)
Nohrstedt, Daniel, Bynander, Fredrik, Parker, Charles & ‘t Hart Paul (2018) Managing crises collaboratively: Prospects and problems—A systematic literature review, Perspectives on Public Management and Governance 1(4): 257–271, https://doi.org/10.1093/ppmgov/gvx018 (14 s).
Ödlund, Ann (2010) Pulling the Same Way? A Multi-Perspectivist Study of Crisis Cooperation in Government, Journal of Contingencies and Crisis Management 18(2): 96-107 https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1468-5973.2010.00605.x (11 s).
Daniela Cristofoli, Scott Douglas, Jacob Torfing & Benedetta Trivellato (2022) Having it all: can collaborative governance be both legitimate and accountable?, Public Management Review, 24:5, 704-728, DOI: 10.1080/14719037.2021.1960736 (24s)

Policyanalys (216 s)

Ikani, Nikki (2019) Change and Continuity in the European Neighbourhood Policy: The Ukraine Crisis as a Critical Juncture. Geopolitics, 24:1, 20-50, https://doi.org/10.1080/14650045.2017.1422122 (30 s)
Kamkhaji, J.C. & Radaelli, C.M. (2017) Crisis, learning and policy change in the European Union”, Journal of European Public Policy 24(5): 714-734. (20 s)

Naime, Monica (2019) Bridging Crisis Management and Policy Transfer: A Cognitive Approach, International Public Management Review 19(2): 66-88 (22 s).

Nohrstedt, Daniel & Weible, Christopher (2010) The Logic of Policy Change after Crisis: Proximity and Subsystem Interaction, Risk, Hazards & Crisis in Public Policy 1(2):1-32. DOI: 10.2202/1944-4079.1035 (32 s)
Resodihardjo, Sandra L. (2021) The Agenda-Setting Process and Crises: Toward a Conceptual Framework. Oxford Research Encyclopedias of Politicshttps://doi-org.proxy.annalindhbiblioteket.se/10.1093/acrefore/9780190228637.013.1594. (25 s)
Saurugger, Sabine & Terpan, Fabien (2016) Do crises lead to policy change? The multiple streams framework and the European Union’s economic governance instruments, Policy Sciences 49(35–53) (18 s).

Walgrave, Stefaan & Varone, Frédéric (2008) Punctuated Equilibrium and Agenda-Setting: Bringing Parties Back in: Policy Change after the Dutroux Crisis in Belgium. Governance: An International Journal of Policy, Administration, and Institutions  21(3): 365–395 (30 s)
Zahariadis, Nikolaos, Petridou, Evangelia, Exadaktylos, Theofanis & Sparf, Jörgen (2021) Policy styles and political trust in Europe’s national responses to the COVID-19 crisis, Policy Studies, DOI: 10.1080/01442872.2021.2019211. (22 s)

Grossman, Peter Z. (2019) Utilizing Ostrom’s institutional analysis and development framework toward an understanding of crisis-driven policy, Policy Sciences volume 52, pages3–20 (2019) (17s).

Genusperspektiv (185 s)

Bahn, Kate, Cohen, Jennifer & van der Meulen Rodgers, Yana (2020) A Feminist Perspective on COVID-19 and the Value of Care Work Globally. Gender Work and Organization 27: 695–699. (8 s)
Branicki, LJ. (2020) COVID-19, ethics of care and feminist crisis management. Gender Work and Organzation 27: 872– 883. (11 s)
Dobusch, L, Kreissl, K. (2020) Privilege and burden of im-/mobility governance: On the reinforcement of inequalities during a pandemic lockdown. Gender Work and Organization 27: 709–716. (7 s)

Elomäki, Anna & Kantola, Johanna (2022) Feminist Governance in the European Parliament: The Political Struggle over the Inclusion of Gender in the EU’s COVID-19 Response. Politics & Gender, First View , pp. 1 – 22 DOI: https://doi.org/10.1017/S1743923X21000544 (21 s)
Ericson, Mathias (2020) Gendering risk and vulnerability: Tensions and conflicting views in crisis preparedness work in Sweden.Gender work & organization 27(6): 1308-1320 (12 s)
Jansson, Ulrika & Linghag, Sofie (2015) Genusperspektiv på ledning och samverkan vid olyckor och kriser – en forskningsöversikt. Stockholm: MSB 2015 (60 s) .

Kvarnlöf, Linda & Wall, Erika. (2021) Stories of the storm: the interconnection between risk management strategies and everyday experiences of rurality. Journal of Risk Research 24(8):1016-1029 (14 s)
Mellström, Ulf, Ericson, Mathias & Callerstig, Ann-Charlotte (2016) Introduction: Masculinities, Gender Equality, Crisis Management and the Rescue Services: Contested Terrains and Challenges. I Mathias Ericson & Ulf Mellström (red) Masculinities, gender equality and crisis management, Burlington, VT: Ashgate (16 s).

Åse, Cecilia. (2016) Ship of Shame: Gender and Nation in Narratives of the 1981 Soviet Submarine Crisis in Sweden. Journal of Cold War Studies 18(1): 112–132. (21 s)
Åse, Cecilia. (2015) Crisis Narratives and Masculinist Protection. International Feminist Journal of Politics 17(4): 595–610. (15 s)
Institutionella perspektiv (164 s)

Boersma, Kees, Ferguson, Julie, Groenewegen, Peter & Wolbers, Jeroen (2021) The dynamics of power in disaster response networks. Risk, Hazards & Crisis in Public Policy 12(4): 418-433 (15 s).
Boin, Arjen & ‘t Hart, Paul. (2003) Public Leadership in Times of Crisis: Mission Impossible?, Public Administration Review 63(5): 544–553. (9 s)
Boin, R., McConnell, A., & ‘t Hart, P. (2009). Crisis Exploitation: Political and Policy Impacts of Framing Contests. Journal of European Public Policy 16(1): 81–106. (25 s)
Christensen, Tom, Lægreid, Per & Rykkja, Lise H. (2016) Organizing for Crisis Management: Building Governance Capacity and Legitimacy, Public Administration Review 76(6): 887-897 (10 s).
Deverell, Edward (2021) Professionalization of crisis management: A case study of local-level crisis communicators in Sweden Journal of Contingencies and Crisis Management 29(2):131-142 (11 s).

‘t Hart, P. (1993) Symbols, Rituals and Power: The Lost Dimensions of Crisis Management, Journal of Contingencies and Crisis Management1(1): 29–43. (20 s)
’t Hart, Paul, Rosenthal, Uriel & Kouzmin, Alexander. (1993) Crisis Decision Making: The Centralization thesis, Administration & Society25(1):12–44. (32 s)
Schiffino, Nathalie, Taskin, Laurent, Donis, Céline & Raone, Julien. (2017) Post-crisis learning in public agencies: what do we learn from both actors and institutions?. Policy Studies 38(1): 59–75. (16 s)
Framing (157 s)

Albrecht, Frederike (2020) Natural hazards as political events: framing and politicisation of floods in the United Kingdom. Environmental Hazards 21(1): 17-35. (18s)
Abdou Hadj, Leila (2020) ‘Push or pull’? Framing immigration in times of crisis in the European Union and the United States. Journal of European Integration 42(5): 643–658. (15 s).
Brändström, Annika & Kuipers, Sanneke (2003) From ‘Normal Incidents’ to Political Crises: Understanding the Selective Politicization of Policy Failures. Government and Opposition 38(3):279 - 305. (26 s).
Ganesh, Bharath & Froio, Caterina. (2020) A “Europe des Nations”: far right imaginative geographies and the politicization of cultural crisis on Twitter in Western Europe. Journal of European Integration 42(5): 715–732. (17 s)
Liu, Yihong & Boin, Arjen. (2020) Framing a mega-disaster: Political rhetoric and the Wenchuan earthquake. Safety Science 125: 1–8 (8 s)
Voltolini, Benedetta, Natorski, Michal & Hay, Colin (2020). Introduction: The politicisation of permanent crisis in Europe. Journal of European Integration 42(5): 609–624. (15 s)
Widmaier, W. (2007) Constructing foreign policy crises: interpretive leadership in the cold war and war on terrorism. International Studies Quarterly 51(4): 779–794. (15 s)
Simonsen, Sandra (2022) Swedish exceptionalism and the Sars-CoV2 pandemic crisis: Representations of crisis and national identity in the public sphere. Risk, Hazards & Crisis in Public Policy 13(3): 277-295 (18s)

Wodak, Ruth. (2021), Crisis communication and crisis management during COVID-19, Global Discourse 11(3): 329-353 https://doi.org/10.1332/204378921X16100431230102 (25 s)

Normativa perspektiv (152 s)

Boin, Arjen & Rhinard, Mark (2023) Crisis management performance and the European Union: the case of COVID-19, Journal of European Public Policy, 30:4, 655-675, DOI: 10.1080/13501763.2022.2141304 (20s).

Compton, Mallory, Scott Douglas, Lauren Fahy, Joannah Luetjens, Paul ‘t Hart & Judith van Erp (2021): New development: Walk on the bright side—what might we learn about public governance by studying its achievements?, Public Money & Management (42(1): 49-51, DOI:10.1080/09540962.2021.1975994. (3 s).
Danielsson, Erna & Sjöstedt-Landén, A. (2020) Leader Normativity in Crisis Management: Tales From a School Fire. Risks, Hazards & Crisis in Public Policy 11: 139–165. (27 s)
Douglas, Scott, Thomas Schillemans, Paul ‘t Hart, Chris Ansell, Lotte Bøgh Andersen, Matthew Flinders, Brian Head, Donald Moynihan, Tina Nabatchi, Janine O’Flynn, B. Guy Peters, Jos Raadschelders, Alessandro Sancino, Eva Sørensen & Jacob Torfing (2021) Rising to Ostrom’s challenge: an invitation to walk on the bright side of public governance and public service, Policy Design and Practice, 4:4, 441-451, DOI: 10.1080/25741292.2021.1972517 (10 s).
McConnell, A. (2011) Success? Failure? Something in-between? A framework for evaluating crisis management. Policy and Society 30(2): 63–76. (13 s)

Olson, Richard Stuart & Gawronski, Vincent T. (2010) From disaster event to political crisis: a “5C+A” framework for analysis. International Studies Perspectives 11(3): 205–221. (16 s)
Rosenthal, Uriel & Kouzmin, Alexander. (1997) Crises and crisis management: toward comprehensive government decision making, Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory 7(2): 277–304. (27 s)
Shlomo Mizrahi, Eran Vigoda-Gadot, Nissim Cohen (2021) How Well Do They Manage a Crisis? The Government's Effectiveness During the COVID-19 Pandemic. Public Administration Review 81(6) 1120-1130. (10 s)

Windsor, Leah C., Yannitell Reinhardt, Gina, Windsor, Alistair J., Ostergard, Robert, Allen, Susan, Burns, Courtney, Giger, Jarod, Wood, Reed (2020) Gender in the time of COVID-19: Evaluating national leadership and COVID-19 fatalities. PLoS ONE 15(12): e0244531. https://doi.org/10.1371/ journal.pone.0244531. (26 s)