Computers and wi-fi

In the main library at the Swedish Defence University and in the branch library at Karlberg there are computers you can use if you are a registered patron. All students at our school are automatically registered patrons.

Computers for information search

In the libraries there are search computers limited for searching in the library search tool Primo where you can find both print and electronic books, for example course literature. Our computers for searching are scattered around the main library and at the entrance to the Karlberg library.

Public computers to borrow

The public computer for reading e-books and fulltext articles is located at the stairwell to the lower floor in the main library and on one of the shelves at Karlberg. They are fully equipped with office applications and the most common web browsers. You log on to the computers with your personal number (personnummer) and your PIN code.

To use the public computers you need a library account with Anna Lindh library. The library has no guest login or computer with internet access that can be used without a library account.

Terms of use of the computer at Anna Lindh library

The public computers are owned by the Swedish Defence University and may only be used by authorized users. You become an authorized user by approving of the library borrowing conditions when applying for a library account at the library web site.

At the web site you can read the terms and conditions and thereafter approve of them digitally.

As a student you become authorized when approving of the terms and conditions in connection with your registration as a student at the Swedish Defence University.

Usage of the computer may not go against current legislation, SUNET:s (the Swedish Universities´ network) ethical rules and the internal regulations of the Swedish Defence University. The computer is monitored and events are logged.

When accessing the Internet with our computer it is forbidden to:

  • Visit web sites with content that could offend others, for example pornographic or racist content.
  • Download applications and files that could impact the IT security.
  • Distribute and/or use copyrighted material without the consent of the copyright holder.

SUNET condemns as unethical when someone:

  • is trying to access network resources or other IT resources without being entitled to
  • is trying to interfere with or disrupt the intended usage of the networks or connected IT resources
  • is trying to damage or destroy the digitally based information
  • apparently is wasting available resources (staff, hardware or software)
  • is intruding in other people´s privacy
  • is trying to insult or degrade others

» SUNET:s rules for connection and usage (in Swedish)

Wi-fi for private computers: Eduroam

There is no public wi-fi at the library. Access to the wi-fi is made through the net service Eduroam. Students from other universities who already possess an Eduroam account can use the wi-fi at the Anna Lindh library.

» Information about Eduroam


The general public without an Eduroam account can not connect to the wi-fi. Eduroam is also available at Karlberg.

What is Eduroam?

Eduroam is a global net service developed for the international research and education sector.

Eduroam gives students, researchers and staff access to the Internet at the Swedish Defence University as well when visiting other universities that are members. Eduroam also exists in public places like train stations and airports around Sweden.

How do I, as a student at the Swedish Defence University, get access to Eduroam?

To use the service you need special credentials.

Use your user name and password for your FHS account and click login. On the same page you can log on if you should forget username and/or password.

» Eduroam logon

How do I connect?

There are different settings depending on what operating system you are using. You should therefore download these first.

At wireless networks you choose Eduroam and fill in your user name and password you got when registering for Eduroam as described above.

» Eduroam settings


Please contact the Helpdesk if you have questions or if you need more information.

