

How do I find different publications?

When you search, it is easier if you have basic knowledge of different ways of publishing research and where you can find the literature.

How the research information is published varies between different subject areas. In science and technology, the publication of research articles dominates. In the social sciences, books are also published.

Reference works and subject introductions

At the beginning of a writing process, you often need to immerse yourself in a subject, get acquainted with common theories and important writers. Get help from reference works and manuals with titles such as "Introduction to Crisis management", search in reference works or in Primo.

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Books and book chapters

In the Swedish Defence University’s subjects, research material is often published in book form, not infrequently as anthologies with well-known researchers. In some cases, they are also peer reviewed.

» Search Primo for books

Scholarly articles

Scholarly articles in journals are preceded by a peer review prior to publication. The review is carried out by experts in the subject area, to ensure that the article is of high scholarly quality. When you search in databases and in Primo you have the opportunity to limit your search to scholarly articles. You usually do this by ticking a box for Peer Review.

» Film describing what characterises a scholarly article (in Swedish)

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Doctoral thesis

After third cycle education, a researcher reports his or her work in the form of a thesis. In a thesis there is usually an overview of previous research in the subject. In Libris and DiVA you can limit your search to theses.

» Search doctoral theses in the Swedish Defence University's publication database, DiVA

» Search in Libris and make a limitation to theses

Select Extended Search in Libris and then Material Type to set a limitation.

Student Essays

Student essays can serve as an entrance to your subject and provide tips on useful literature. It is not self-evident that student essays are accepted as sources. Talk to your teacher or supervisor.

» Search student essays at the Swedish Defence University in DiVA
