Register your student thesis in DiVA

As a student at the Swedish Defence University, you must register your thesis in DiVA, and you have the opportunity to publish it in full text. You can also use DiVA to search for theses written previous years.

About DiVA

DiVA is a database for research publications and student theses, including material from about 50 Swedish universities and research institutions. As a student, you register your thesis yourself.

Register your thesis in DiVA

All theses written and approved at the Swedish Defence University at bachelor's level or higher must be registered in DiVA. This was decided by the Vice-Chancellor in 2009. You also have the opportunity to publish your thesis in full text, which is recommended as it increases visibility.

To add your thesis, log in to DiVA and follow the instructions for registration. You log in with the same login that you use for your webmail at the Swedish Defence University.

>> DiVA login

 » Required fields - a manual for students

Your registration will be reviewed by an administrator before approval. For this reason, your thesis will not be immediately visible in DiVA.


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