

FHS LMS - usage and login for educators

Swedish Defence University uses an LMS (learning management system) containing training materials, course assignments and evalutions.

Daily drop-in

To support you getting started with the LMS and prepare your course we offer open workshops daily in Zoom:

Workshops are updated in the calendar of the group FHS LMS & andra digitala lärandemiljöer at the MITT FHS site, and in the calendar of the course Introduction to Canvas in the LMS.

Please take a look at the educational and comprehensive teacher resource at the Kristianstad University.

Course templates

For the purpose to facilitate navigation and increase recognition between courses there are course templates available. As a teacher you can import a template and adapt it to your course. More information in the manual (in Swedish) Course templates in Canvas LMS.

Ladok courses

Course areas are created automatically for all courses registered in Ladok and are populated with students. You can prepare your course before then by creating a draft for your course. Then you can import all content to the production course area. More information in the manual (in Swedish) Import course content.

Course evaluations

For course evaluations and other surveys a separate survey tool is used. You log on with your FHS account and manuals are built into the system. Information about the survey tool (in Swedish).

Questions or support, contact us

For more information or support, please contact FHS´s IT educators at or send a support question via our form (in Swedish).

Handling of personal data

According to the Data Protection Regulation, information about the processing of personal data must be provided to the data subjects. In itslearning LMS, the Norwegian Defense Academy's staff, students and participants in projects are registered in order to be able to carry out training, to facilitate communication and to facilitate search and deletion of user accounts after completion of training. The information that is registered is: first name, last name, course, username and e-mail address.

Responsibility for information and course material

Course coordinators, teachers and other staff as well as students are responsible for the material that he or she uploads or otherwise makes available in the LMS. This means that the material that is uploaded or otherwise made available there must be adapted for educational purposes. The material must not be secret or confidential according to the instructions in the FHS management system. The material must also not contravene the Personal Data Act or the Copyright Act.
