

Information following the invasion of Ukraine

The Swedish Defence University does not have any students on formal exchange studies or internships in Ukraine, nor do we have any reports about any staff currently present in the country, but we are awaiting definite confirmation from our travel agency.

This topic was the top priority when the University Directorate met earlier today to discuss if and how the war in Ukraine affects staff, students and the regular operations at the university. The Head of Security also in participated in the meeting.

At the meeting, the SEDU management decided to arrange an information meeting on Friday 25 February, 10:00-11:30 in lecture hall Sverigesalen and over Zoom, to share information and open up for questions. The meeting will be recorded. Following the information session, there will be a lecture on Ukraine by Pär Blid, former senior military adviser to the OSSE special envoy to Ukraine during the Swedish Chairmanship.

At this time, no further actions are deemed necessary. The university remains open and operations will continue as planned.

All staff and students are encouraged to follow situation updates from the Swedish authorities and in the media, where several of our researchers and experts contribute with analyses and comments.

The University Directorate follows the development closely and will meet regularly to handle any upcoming issues.

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