
Quality assurance in a broader sense is an integral part of the organisation, as the Swedish Defence University in its’ entirety embraces a conscientious culture of quality. Teachers, researchers and other personnel, as well as doctoral students and other students, are expected and encouraged to contribute to quality assurance as a shared interest and standard.

Progression and Evaluation

The organisational environment for doctoral education at the Swedish Defence University provides a clear structure for ongoing and coherent follow-up and well-coordinated progression and academic development within the programme. Responsibility for this lies primarily with the Directors of Doctoral Studies and the Subject Area Director, with support of the Heads of Department and the relevant specialisation’s Subject Councils and Board of Supervisors. The Subject Area Director presents a comprehensive follow-up and evaluation of academic activities from a quality assurance perspective on an annual basis, according to criteria set by the Research and Education Board at the Swedish Defence University.

Continuous Follow-Up

Ongoing feedback and improvement mechanisms are enabled through course evaluations within the doctoral education programme. Via the Board of Supervisors, a problem inventory is kept and raised through the representation of the Subject Area Director at the Research Committee, issues which are further shared with the Research and Education Board at the university. If measures are required in terms of resources or administrative decisions, the Subject Area Director addresses these issues with the Research Director.

Doctoral studies are also part of the regular university-wide joint follow-up process. In this process, which entails university-wide shared objectives and risks, staffing, finances and efficiency, as well as issues related to quality, the Research Director has a collective reporting responsibility for studies within the doctoral programmes.
