Incorrect email to applicants on the waiting list

If you have a waiting list number, you will be notified of a final decision in week 34, disregard any previous incorrect emails.

Unfortunately, an email welcoming admitted students has mistakenly been sent to applicants on the waiting list. As soon as we noticed the mistake, we are sending out updated information to everyone on the waiting list.

In the processing of the welcome email the names of those on the waiting list were not removed. Such mistakes should not occur and we are deeply sorry for the misinformation.

As this has never happened before, we are looking into the details of what may have gone wrong and reviewing our procedures to ensure that it does not happen again.

The formal admission decisions were sent on the same day and these indicate the correct waiting list numbers. This number is the one that applies. If you are on the waiting list, the earliest you can be notified of a final decision is in week 34 (23-27 August).

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