
Värnpliktiga ur grundutbildningskompanierna samt anställda befäl och soldater ur beredskapskompaniet från Göta ingenjörregemente, Ing 2 genomför kompaniövning.Göta ingenjörregemente, Ing 2, är Sveriges enda ingenjörregemente. Förbandet utbildar officerare och soldater till ingenjörförband med specialkompetens att utföra kvalificerade fältarbeten för nationella och internationella uppgifter. Göta ingenjörregemente finns i Eksjö.

Photo: Antonia Sehlstedt/The Swedish Armed Forces.

War Studies

War Studies is a social science whose central object of study is war and the use of force.

The discipline contains research on how military capability is created, led, organised, maintained over time and comes into effect in operations, in wars, conflicts and crises.

War studies also includes social and ethical aspects as well as critical perspectives in relation to war and warfare. The discipline has both a general theoretical and knowledge-based dimension, as well as a practical and applied dimension linked primarily to the education of officers.

The Swedish Defence University is the only university in Sweden where the discipline is taught.

Research groups in War Studies

The Civil wars and military interventions research group (CWAMI) provides an interdisciplinary forum for scholarly discussions on various aspects of civil wars, insurgencies, terrorism, irregular warfare, unconventional warfare, counterinsurgency, peace operations, humanitarian interventions, etc.

The aim of the group is to promote interdisciplinary research and facilitate the discussion between scholars and practitioners on issues related to the past, present and future of the field.

Group convener: Kersti Larsdotter

The Critical war studies research group (CWS) is the research group for critical, normative and ethical aspects of war and military organizations.

We place focus on foundational ideas for war and war making as well as the technological and material aspects of war.

Group conveners: Maria Eriksson Baaz and Sebastian Larsson

The research group has a forward-looking orientation and addresses the challenges and possibilities of modern warfare and the new ideas/concepts and trends that are developing with regard to areas such as drones/unmanned aircraft, sensors, the next generation of weapons, AI, cyberwarfare, intelligence and space-based warfare.

Group convener: Stefan Lundqvist

The Gender, peace and security research group (GPS) aims to be a friendly environment for those working on gender-related issues and a space to explore issues of peace, war, security, justice and more. Whether you already have a fully developed research project using gender analysis/feminist approaches or whether you are just curious about what such perspectives might add to your project. Welcome!

Group conveners: Jenny Hedström and Annick Wibben

Group convener: Sofia Ledberg

The research group Modern warfare provides an interdisciplinary forum for scholarly discussions about various aspects of strategy, operational art and tactics. The aim of the group is to promote high-quality research and to facilitate discussions between researchers and practitioners.

Group convener: Jan Ångström



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