

The Anna Lindh Library cooperates with the NATO Multimedia Library in Brussels.

The library provides literature about and about Nato in our physical and digital collection, including occasional Nato-produced material.

Our support for users regarding Nato-publications:

  • We support users when searching for "open" Nato material
  • We interlibrary loan and order articles from the Nato Library for students and staff
  • We refer to other instances/organizations for specific material
  • Fysical books about Nato are available on shelf 341.232.1NATO and on related shelves
  • Check out our new shelf: Sweden and NATO, it can be found at (485)341.232.1NATO
  • You can search for publications about Nato by selecting NATO as a subject in the library's search tool (primo)

Nato-publications that are available to the public are mainly available on the Natolibrary website.

