Appeal a decision

If you are dissatisfied with a decision made by the Swedish Defence University, you can appeal.

The appeal means that the Higher Education Appeals Board or general administrative court make a new assessment of a decision that has gone against you. You can appeal against decisions on, for example:

  • Entry requirements
  • Transfer of credits
  • Approved leave from studies
  • Degree certificate
  • Deferment of studies
  • Suspension or warning

How to appeal

Send your appeal by e-mail or post to the Swedish Defence University for processing. State which decision you are referring to and request that the decision be reversed.

Send your appeal to: or:

Box 278 05
115 93 Stockholm

Send the appeal in time

Your appeal must be received by the Swedish Defence University within three weeks from the date when you received the initial decision.

What happens then?

When your appeal has been received, the Swedish Defence University will first reconsider its decision. If the decision changes in the way you requested, the case will be closed.

If the Swedish Defence University does not alter its decision after review, or changes the decision in any other way than you requested, your appeal will proceed to a higher body. In order for this to be possible, your appeal must be received in time (no later than three weeks after you received the decision.)

Processing times at the Higher Education Appeals Board

The Higher Education Appeals Board normally handles admission cases within a few weeks, while other cases can take a number of months.
