

Code of conduct at the SEDU

The Swedish Defence University has established rules of conduct. The purpose is to ensure a safe and secure environment for everyone, both in physical and digital spaces.

The code of conduct applies to everyone who is present in the facilities of the Swedish Defence University or participates in the university's activities. The rules are valid both in our physical premises and in all communication tools, social media platforms, and digital meeting rooms used in connection with the university's activities.

General code of conduct

It is not permitted to:

  1. Unlawfully be present at the Swedish Defence University - The Swedish Defence University is a protected object, read more about what it entails in the plus box Protected object below.
  2. Participate in training without current registration for the specific course. This does not apply to open lectures.
  3. Participate in training while under suspension decided by the university’s disciplinary board.
  4. Steal or remove property belonging to the Swedish Defence University.
  5. Unlawfully use or occupy premises for purposes other than those approved by the Swedish Defence University.
  6. Litter or otherwise cause damage to the university's property.
  7. Post messages or signs on surfaces not specifically intended for that purpose.
  8. Smoke tobacco, e-cigarettes or similar substances except in specially designated ares for this purpose, if such a areas exists.
  9. Consume or offer alcoholic beverages outside specially approved areas at the Swedish Defence University. Examples of approved areas include the Officers mess att Drottning Kristinas väg 37 and at Karlberg or other areas with serving license or events approved by the university.
  10. Bring animals into the university's premises. This does not apply to guide or assistance dogs.
  11. Engage in criminal activity in connection with the university's activities or encourage others to engage in criminal activity..
  12. Behave in a threatening manner. The threats need not be directed at a specific person.
  13. Behave in a way that is annoying, offensive, infringes, or causes discomfort to others.
  14. Disrupt the order in education and activities.
  15. Record teaching without the explicit permission of the Swedish Defence University. Recording refers to capturing images, sound, or video. Rules about recording are regulated in a separate policy document
  16. Despite requests, conceal one's identity during teaching or examinations.

Specific codes of conduct

In addition to the general code of conduct mentioned above, specific rules, user agreements, and conditions may apply. These may include:

  • use of the university's library services
  • use of IT accounts and systems at the university
  • specific facilities such as physical training rooms, mess operations, and other premises.


The university may take measures if someone violates the Swedish Defence University’s codes of conduct.

Disciplinary actions should be initiated:

  • If there is suspicion that a student has engaged in harassment or sexual harassment.
  • If there is suspicion of disruption or hindrance of teaching.
  • If there is suspicion of violation of rules regarding recordings at the Swedish Defence University.

Disciplinary cases are ultimately decided by the Swedish Defence University’s disciplinary board, which can impose disciplinary actions. Disciplinary actions include warnings or suspensions. A suspension is always for a fixed period, and studies can be resumed after the end of the suspension period. If the suspect is an employee, the matter is handled by the Swedish Defence University as the employer.


The Swedish Defence University also investigates and handles other offensive treatments and reprisals that fall outside of harassment and sexual harassment according to the discrimination law. The Swedish Defence University has a special procedure for handling suspicions of harassment, sexual harassment, reprisals, and offensive treatment directed at students, and a corresponding procedure for employees.

More about harassment and offenses


  • A person who disturbs the order at the university can be expelled by the university's staff.
  • A security guard in their role may expel, remove, or, if such action is not sufficient, temporarily detain a person within or adjacent to the protected site.
  • If the disturbance occurs on a digital platform, the university may exclude the person from the meeting room where the disturbance occurred, for example, during digital teaching.

Separation from studies - in exceptional cases

In certain exceptional cases, a student may be separated from their studies. Unlike suspension, which is a disciplinary action, separation is indefinite.

Reconsideration and appeal

  • A student may request a reconsideration of a Vice-Chancellor's decision about a warning at the Swedish Defence University’s disciplinary board..
  • A disciplinary decision by the Swedish Defence University's disciplinary board can be appealed to the Administrative Court in Stockholm, but via the university's registrar.
  • A decision about separation made by the Högskolans avskiljningsnämnd (separate authority) can be appealed to the Administrative Court in Stockholm.

Rules of conduct at the Swedish Defence University in their entirety Pdf, 208.1 kB.

The Swedish Defence University is a vital societal operation and a protected site which means it is subject to increased legal protection. A protected site is marked with yellow signs, and the sign indicates who has decided on the protection, under which legal provision, and what prohibitions apply.

The Swedish Defence University is staffed with security guards to monitor and protect everyone present. The security guard may in their role expel, remove, or, if such action is not sufficient, temporarily detain a person within or adjacent to the protected site, if the person:

  • violates any prohibition applicable due to a decision under the protection law,
  • refuses to provide information upon request about their name, age, or residence - or provides information that can reasonably be assumed to be incorrect,
  • refuses to consent to a body search.

Access and Presence in the SEDU's Premises

  • Authorization is required to access and remain in the premises of the Swedish Defence University.
  • Authorized individuals are employees, students, and external persons with a pass card issued by the Swedish Defence University.
  • Other visitors must be registered according to the Swedish Defence University’s rules for external visitors, which applies to both national and international visitors.
  • A registered visitor, together with their host, is also considered authorized.

Visitors who only wish to stay in the open areas of the Swedish Defence University can do so, with the reservation that such a visit will pass through a security guard and will involve entry control with identification, security search, registration, and a search of any bags carried.

The Swedish Defence University reserves the right to close access to open areas to the public at a changed security situation or when deemed necessary, for example, due to planned high-level visits or increased readiness.

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