


It may take a little extra to find student accommodation in Stockholm. Here you will find some tips to help you along the way.

Finding student housing in Stockholm can be rather challenging, especially in the beginning of the autumn semester. You should start your search as soon as possible and we suggest that you register on the Stockholm Student Housing Foundation (SSSB) housing queue, link below, as soon as possible to start your queing time.

Student Housing websites

Here is a selection of websites with housing advertisements. You may have to pay a small fee to be able to access the information.

Stockholm Student Housing Foundation (SSSB) is the largest student accommodation landlord in Stockholm. You should register on their housing queue list as soon as possible, since the waiting time is long. They do have last minute deals, which are posted on first come-first serve basis. You will need to visit this website every few hours to have a chance on those deals.

Akademisk kvart is a website containing private housing advertisements aimed at researchers and students. It is a joint effort from the Universities and Student Unions in Stockholm and the city of Stockholm to try to help both Swedish and International students with housing.

Live together

BostadsPortal (in Swedish) (in Swedish)

Campus Roslagen (only in Swedish) is located near Norrtälje and here they rent out apartments to students and researchers. It takes 50 minutes to travel from SEDU to Campus Roslagen.

Bostad Direkt is a real estate company that helps people finding housing on the private market.

The Stockholm Housing Agency (Bostad Stockholm) is run by the city of Stockholm. Check "bostadssnabben" where they sometimes have apartment on first come first serve basis. Other apartments at this site however require several years of queue time.

Other websites with housing advertisements

Svenska Bostäder 

Sökstudentbostad (only in Swedish)

Search widely as easy to get to SEDU with public transport

A suggestion is to find a room that has relatively good communications to the university, instead of just looking at rooms near the university or the city center. You can go to (journey planner) where you can see how long time it will take you to get from the accommodation to the university.

The second hand rental market in Stockholm

Many people in Stockholm rely on second hand renting. Renting second hand can be a great way to find accommodation quickly, but it can also be a challenge to find something affordable, safe and lasting. Unfortunately, there are people who try to make a profit from the situation by creating false housing ads. Never pay anything in advance if the person cannot show the apartment or room in person, and cannot provide you with written proof from the land lord that they are allowed to rent out their apartment or room. We recommend that you only pay in advance if you are using a real estate agency (they usually charge a service fee).

Here is a guide on how to spot a false housing ad How to avoid Fraud - The Ultimate Guide

Temporary housing​

If you want to book a room at a hostel while you try to find housing, you can visit or hostelworld. Staying at a hostel should only be considered a short term solution (since it is quite pricy) while trying to find long term accommodation. If you prefer to stay in a private home you can try Couchsurfing.

You also might consider this other short-term services: wimdu or homeaway.

Change of address

When you change address to your new accommodation, you can do this easily on
The Swedish Tax Agency's website.

Housing benefit

If you need extra support to fund your accommodation, you can
apply for housing benefit from the Swedish Social Insurance Agency (Försäkringskassan).

Accommodation for officer students

As an officer studying and a cadet in the Swedish Armed Forces, you will receive free accommodation during your 3 years on the programme.
