Research Expenses

At SEDU allowances are made available to doctoral students. The total may amount to a maximum of SEK 30,000 per year (a grand total of SEK 150,000) and must be used to cover costs needed to complete the doctoral education.

The doctoral student and the supervisor decide together the best usage of the allowance. These funds may be redistributed over time. All FHS doctoral students are eligible for this allowance.

The allowance may be used for:

  • literature
  • conferences (presentation of posters as minimum requirement)
  • data collection
  • software
  • other electronic equipment

All purchases must follow the SEDU routines for purchasing. All electronic equipment belongs to SEDU and must be returned when the employment ends.

Funds can be used up until the time of the doctoral student´s public defence, or until the end of the employment if the defence has not yet been completed at the end of the employment.

Published 2024-04-11 Updated 2024-04-24