Courses, management

Here is a description of the process for developing doctoral courses.

  • Reading courses are handled with a form found in the doctoral student handbook and do not need a syllabus. A completed and signed form is sent to Birgitta for entry of credits in LADOK (as an individual commitment) and archiving. This takes place after the course is completed and both SR and examiner must sign. In case of time constraints, it may be enough to have an ok by email to Birgitta. During the autumn, the form will be expanded with a page for intended learning outcomes.
  • All other doctoral courses, both compulsory courses and others (both for doctoral students admitted to SEDU and courses for external doctoral students), must have a syllabus that is approved by KUS after preparation by ÄR in consultation with SR/director of doctoral studies. There are no specific cut-off dates, but the course syllabus must be decided and ready before the course starts. These syllabi should not go through the Research Committee but directly to KUS.
  • Rules and instructions for the design of course syllabi have reference number Ö 580/2020 and can be found here
Sidansvarig: Birgitta Mattsson
Published 2024-01-07 Updated 2024-01-07