Individual study plan

Each doctoral student has an individual study plan (ISP) that must contain the university's and the doctoral student's commitments as well as a timetable for the doctoral student's education. Until now, the Swedish Defence University has had ISP on paper, but from 2025 SEDU will use the electronic version of ISP that is available in LADOK. At the bottom of the page you will find links to LADOK, manuals and instructional videos.


SEDU will use the LADOK version of ISP. This applies to both the process and the design of the form.

The process in LADOK looks like the figure below. The doctoral student and supervisor can change the information in the ISP. Each level can send the ISP back to the previous step or on to the next step in the process. At any time and at any point during the process, an ISP can be extracted as a pdf file.


In the SEDU version, two tasks are handled centrally and cannot be changed by the doctoral student or supervisor.

  • Each doctoral student's tentative date for prolongation is stated under "Basic information/Admitted to" at the heading "Note". The data is retrieved from Primula and updated every six months. If the information is incorrect, please contact
  • The registration number for the current general syllabus is entered at admission and is changed when the decision to change general syllabus has been signed, under "Basic information/General syllabus",

In addition, the following applies:

  • Other information in "Basic information" is retrieved from other parts of LADOK and can therefore not be changed.
  • "Learning outcomes" can only be completed/changed by the main supervisor. The doctoral student does not see that field in the web form and it will only be visible in the pdf file when (if) information is entered.
  • If the doctoral student has taken courses at another university that does not appear in the "unsorted" list, the course/module must then be entered manually. Contact if there are any doubts.

Continuation of the project

  • Date for information meeting will be announced in January.
  • This page will be continuously updated as new information becomes available.
  • When the ISPs for 2025 have been approved, which should be possible in February/early spring, an evaluation will be carried out. Everyone involved in the process will then be given the opportunity to participate.

When the system is up and running:

To the web forms

Published 2024-12-02 Updated 2025-02-13